View Full Version : Anybody had these symptoms?

02-21-2010, 04:05 PM
Hi everybody, i'm new here and hope we can help each other out. This is the first forum i have come across.

I have had many symptoms in the last 18 months which matches up with anxiety, however i want to know if the following has happened to anybody and if it has anything to do with anxiety. I'm seeing the doctor about it tomorrow anyway.

1. My left toe, 3 fingers from the smallest side feels kind of numb on the outside, as if the outer skin has become less sensetive. Also, the soles of my feet feel like there is constant heat there.

2.About 10 days ago in the the palm of my right hand, i got lots of red dotty spots appear out of nowhere, and it felt like it was stinging as if my hands have been burned by touching a hot kettle, similar to how a blister hurts.

Anybody experienced this?


I MedusaX I
03-15-2010, 07:58 PM
Seek medical care from your PCP or go to the ER if the symptoms get worse. This may or may not be related to anxiety disorders. I personally, haven't had these experiences, other than the tingling, but its usually in my leg or arm.

03-16-2010, 05:35 AM
So if there are any more secrets to either treating anxiety disorder or the disorder itself, it will just be a matter of time before the whole world knows about it (considering the speed of information dissemination nowadays). Keep yourself in the loop of information and keep your ears to the ground, you just might discover a secret that will help you eliminate your dreaded condition for good.

Quoted from:

03-16-2010, 01:58 PM
Hi Lostsole

Just wanted to let you know you are not alone with this one .

I have seen it written as a symptom on many forums .

I also have it were my toes go numb and other parts of my body i seem to feel more .

I think what it is is your nerves in those places are playing up and you feel it more .

For sure go and check it with your doctor but if they say its anxiety except it as that knowing others have the same
cheers kev

03-16-2010, 04:33 PM
Thanks for the reply guys, really appreciate it.

I had gone to my doctor for both problems.

About the left toes, he said that the common reason it can happen is due to diabetes, so i had a bloot test done but everything was fine, so i kind of accept that it could be anxiety because he said he couldn't really tell me what else it could be if it wasn't diabetes.

About the hand issue, i showed him a pic i took with my digital camera he said he hasn't really come across something that looked quite like that. He says it could either be an allergic reaction to something, but also said that usually would be all over the body, or it's some fungal infection since it was just on hands. I've had skin peeling off the palms too over the last couple of weeks, think it's getting better but i just wish i knew what exactly caused it so i'm not paranoid.

I just get worried because since i'm seeing the doc too much about ever little problem that happens with my body, that he might easily just point out and says it's anxiety, rather than really looking into it and not dismissing other things that it could be.