View Full Version : Is it anxiety???

02-19-2010, 01:21 PM
Hi. I think I have anxiety problems, along with others I am actively working on trying to change. I have this problem with "tremors". If I am having a confrontation, embarrassed or emotionally involved with a subject I have tremor like episodes. It's not when I'm just upset either, the conversation can be calm and then my body will go into panic mode. It's nothing like getting nervous and get sweating and tremor hands, my whole body will be visibly shaking, and it's rather embarrassing to say the least. I've tried ways to make it stop, but it will not. I'm shaking right now writing this; crazy I tell ya. Anyone know anything about this and what I can do?

02-19-2010, 05:02 PM
Hi. I think I have anxiety problems, along with others I am actively working on trying to change. I have this problem with "tremors". If I am having a confrontation, embarrassed or emotionally involved with a subject I have tremor like episodes. It's not when I'm just upset either, the conversation can be calm and then my body will go into panic mode. It's nothing like getting nervous and get sweating and tremor hands, my whole body will be visibly shaking, and it's rather embarrassing to say the least. I've tried ways to make it stop, but it will not. I'm shaking right now writing this; crazy I tell ya. Anyone know anything about this and what I can do?

Hi Just fine

Well i get this also , and yes it is anxiety . I am also like you and dont feel anxious when i get it but i do get it when i am under a bit of pressure . This is what i call anxiety from within and is not about thinking but just something your body does .
The other day i went whipper snipping and when i was done my right arm was shaking so much i could not drink from a can without holding it with both hands , this took about 12 hours to settle back down .

This is not something that i am causing , i believe that it is something my body does and most likely caused from having really bad anxiety for over 5 months , it is going slowly .

You may want to look at magnesium as when low it this it will cause shakes and many people are low in it .

Just for your own referance , it will not hurt you as much as a pain it is , dont be embarrassed about it many people shake . I also had a mate years ago that had this , he was a prized boxer and when getting hyped he would shake
cheers and god luck kev :D

02-20-2010, 03:20 PM
Definitely sounds like anxiety, and probably social anxiety based on the context you provide. I get this too although it was never that intense, and have learned to manage it quite well to the point where I rarely, if ever shake noticeably.

Here's what helps: For now, it might not be a bad idea to try some medication, as that can take down the symptoms, but not eliminate them. Then, try working on it and changing your thinking. Move your focus from, "Oh my God, I'm shaking!" to "Oh hey, this person seems nice. I wonder what he does for a living?" or whatever it is that is appropriate to the situation. Eating a diet that avoids anxiety-inducing foods, exercising regularly, and talking to people about my thoughts and replacing them with more rational ones really helped. It took some time before I really got a grip on it all though. If you keep doing these things, I can assure you that you will get better. Then, when you're feeling confident, you can go off the medication and do it on your own!

These are all just suggestions, however, and you are free to take them or not. I wish you well and be sure to let me know if I can be of any help.