View Full Version : Does anyone get these type of thoughts?

02-19-2010, 07:12 AM
I always been a very deep thinker...about life the world etc....at first i had bad symptoms but over a period months things got better...but a few months bk i was thinking about a 1000 things as you do when your anxious...and i started to look at other people on the t.v and think we look really weird..i obsessed with it for abit to the point where i found the human body to look quite alien...i know these are just irrational thoughts...but i just wanted to know if any1 has had a similar thoughts...

02-19-2010, 12:31 PM
New one on me.. :D

But nothing surprises me with anxiety

02-19-2010, 10:01 PM
I do that with words...if I think about a word too much, it sounds completely strange. Anziety sucks

02-20-2010, 11:58 AM
Yes this happens to me with all sorts of things. As the poster above me mentioned, this is quite common with words. It's called semantic satiation in this case, you can google the term for the wikipedia article.

Again, it can happen with things other than words. One of my very first panic attacks was triggered by thinking people's faces looked 'weird' or 'foreign' and I thought I was going insane or the facial recognition area of my brain had just been destroyed by a stroke. The very worst time is when I obsess over MYSELF. Like suddenly I don't feel real or the universe doesn't feel real and I think I've gone crazy or am about to die. This is often a component of my panic attacks.

02-21-2010, 05:56 AM
y i can relate to you to paranoid...i get them thoughts bout the universe and all that...iv got them since a young age...yh i get the word thing 2..well atleast we share one thing that this could all jus cum from genral anxiety...cos literaly 5 months ago i was fine enjoy life having a buzz..then bam i had 2 extreme panic attacks out of the blue...and now im siting here lol...anyway things are getting alot better...check out sum charles linden stuff

02-25-2010, 09:10 AM
Yes this happens to me with all sorts of things. As the poster above me mentioned, this is quite common with words. It's called semantic satiation in this case, you can google the term for the wikipedia article.

Again, it can happen with things other than words. One of my very first panic attacks was triggered by thinking people's faces looked 'weird' or 'foreign' and I thought I was going insane or the facial recognition area of my brain had just been destroyed by a stroke. The very worst time is when I obsess over MYSELF. Like suddenly I don't feel real or the universe doesn't feel real and I think I've gone crazy or am about to die. This is often a component of my panic attacks.
i thought this was objectifying ~ stepping back from ourselves and distancing ourselves from our humanity.
but, i'll be sure and look semantic satiation up.