View Full Version : Effexor side-effects 3 weeks after quitting

Angry Smurf
02-16-2010, 09:35 PM
Hi everyone,

I have been searching everywhere for some answers or someone who's experienced the same thing. I have been on effexor for 6 months and tapered off over a month then stopped altogether just over 3 weeks ago. The side-effects only kicked in 1 week after stopping completely and I still can't seem to shake them. I am supplementing with Omega 3 and a good multi-vitamin. I have constant ringing in my one ear and it feels as if water is lodged in there and I'm talking through my nose (best way to try and describe it). Constant dizzy spells and headaches. Please tell me - is this normal? Thanking you in advance!

02-18-2010, 02:00 PM
Don't have experience with that one, but very similar experience getting off of Cymbalta.

Your experience is not surprising. If you don't find your answer here, try a google search on Effxor withdrawl. That is how I came to find the information I needed about Cymbalta withdrawl.

Best of luck.

02-19-2010, 05:42 PM
I've been on Efexor for several years now but it's accepted that the withdrawals now are worse than previously thought when I first started on it. If I forget to take my meds two days in a row I get really weird visual distortion, what I describe as 'blinkering' and a feeling of being detached generally. I would def speak to you doc about the symptoms your experiencing, if they are withdrawals probs will reduce but I would always seek med opinion on it, especially if they're not very pleasant


Angry Smurf
02-20-2010, 06:12 AM
I'm approaching the 4 week mark now after stopping effexor and the doc has told me that it takes almost the same time to get off them as it takes to get on them. It took over a month of side-effects to get them into my system so it's taking equally as long to get out. My advice to anyone coming off anti-depressants is to hang in there! it will get better. I still have bad physical side-effects (dizzy spells and head zaps) but it shouldn't be much longer before this stops I guess.

03-21-2010, 12:13 PM
I stopped taking Effexor since I couldn't handle the side effects. That was a mistake big mistake. When taking these meds you have to be weaned off of them, cannot quit cold turkey..anyways let it run its course to get out of your system. I want to say that for at least a month and a half I experienced these horrible zaps but they gradually stopped. I was on forums looking to see if people were experiencing the same things as me and much to my surprise they were. Just knowing that your not alone can make all the difference in the world.