View Full Version : My DH has Anxiety, what can I do to help?

02-16-2010, 06:32 PM
My DH is an Anxiety sufferer. I am trying to help him in every way I know, but what are your tips either what could I say or what lifestyle changes could give me to help him?

His anxiety is driven by his work. He has a huge fear of losing his job (anxiety stems from losing a job 9yrs ago) and therefore the minute something is not right (not necessarily wrong) he panics and cries. He is very good at holding it in when in front of other people, but when he sees me or our son, he breakdown.

He is on Lexapro at the moment but I can't remember the dosage, a low one I think.

We try to eat healthy but with his work commitments we struggle for excercise. We have an appt with a GP on Saturday to see if talking to someone could help.

Anything else? I am trying to stay strong, but its wearing me down too.

02-16-2010, 07:03 PM

Its good your off to see the GP about it, some kinda of therapy might help alot. Either counselling or a psychologist might help with some strategies to get him on the right track. Hypnosis can be really good too.

Aside from that, good diet and exercise, meditation and not too much coffee are all helpful. Thats it for me off the top of m head.