View Full Version : i feel so low

02-16-2010, 11:15 AM
hey guys feeling bad today....my stomach is so sore just under the sternum it hurts to touch but is also sore anyway.. my chest is also burning and sore could this all just be anxiety could i have caused it all myself :(

02-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Hi Tinkerbell,
I'm having a bad day too, which made me join. I've been trying to find someone on here who shares my intense feelings of having done something really bad and just not remembering.
You mention your physical pain - does this often happen to you - caused by anxiety?

02-16-2010, 11:46 AM
well i think its anxiety its what everyone keeeps tellling me but i am refusing to believe it..

02-16-2010, 03:15 PM
the chances are that it is your anxiety. I felt like i couldn't swallow for three months before, i was convinced it was some terrible terminal disease. Turns out it was acid reflux caused by the anxiety. I also had long term spells of stomach ache, IBS, shortness of breath and chest pains - all of them anxiety...
I now worry about different things but at least I know there is not something horribly physical wrong.
I hope this helps - All i kniow is that when i feel awful i just want someone to say "I feel just like you"

02-16-2010, 04:49 PM
Ive had stomach problems for the whole year i have had anxiety.

Used to be very bad, and was the first sign that i was anxious, started as butterfly like feeling but developed to chronic pain that i thought was anything from stomach upset to appendicitis or something.

One of my relaxation cd's has half way through works on relaxing and tensing the stomach area. That has really helped me a lot.

Ive uploaded a copy of the mp3 here
female voice> http://www.dimspace.net/Anxiety/Unknown%20Artist%20-%20Relaxation%20CD%20-%2001.%20Full%20Relaxation%20FEMALE.mp3
male voice> http://www.dimspace.net/Anxiety/Unknown%20Artist%20-%20Relaxation%20CD%20-%2005.%20Full%20Relaxation%20MALE.mp3

Its actually a really really good relaxation exercise where she talks you through tensing and relaxing the muscles.. works absolute wonders for me.

Feel free to help yourself to it.

02-16-2010, 07:05 PM

YEah I am having another edgy anxious day as well. :(

Your symptoms do sound like anxiety though, try a relaxation CD if you have one. They do help!

02-16-2010, 08:00 PM
The GI track is very sensitive to stress and the hormones the body releases in response to it so it's not surprising that stress can cause stomach symptoms.

Relaxation recordings really help, especially if you use them regularly.

Also check out The Wellness Book for information on the relaxation response (the opposite of the stress response) as well as cognitive restructuring (if anyone has the mistaken belief that they may have done something wrong and can't remember it, this might help)

02-17-2010, 03:19 AM
cheers guys...ive also got a sore sternum like sore to touch plus some of my rib are sore to touch as well which i think is whats causing the burning in my chest area i guess its where im always so tensed :(

02-17-2010, 04:55 AM
try that relaxation recording ive put up for you.. really does help..

half an hour, somewhere calm and relaxing, and just lie back and listen (through headphones is best). really is calming, but i found that was the best thing for relaxing my stomach area..

02-17-2010, 05:00 AM
i will be trying it later thanks...since its half term here and the kids are up to all sorts its hard to find a few mins peace but i will be doing it thanks x