View Full Version : panic stress or something else ???????

02-16-2010, 11:01 AM
Can anyone help? My doc keeps telling me i am stressed!!! My symptoms are constant headache acheing down my nose and jaws pressure feeling in my head, fullness of the ears a lump under my tounge keep going cold and having shivers and tingling feeling all over, when i try to sleep i feel i am sinking into the bed and i almost feel parelized and can catch my breath or more for a few seconds, i have had a mri scan and it showed a cyst in my pituitry gland but they said that is nothing to worry about, i have been to ENT all is fine so far having a ct of sinusis on thursday, i dont have a cold or anything, does anyone else suffer with this or am i just crazy, i have had this for 6 months nowafter following a massive panic attack, well the docs told me it was a panic attack i have never had one before so i am just taking their word for it, can any one help ?? :roll:

02-16-2010, 01:12 PM

The first, and hardest, step to recovery from anxiety is trusting your doctors when they tell you that you are healthy.

Don't worry, you are not crazy. There are plenty of others on this forum who suffer from the same symptoms as you. Keep coming back, asking questions, and reading through past threads. There is a lot to learn on this forum from a lot of people who have plenty of first hand experience.

02-16-2010, 07:09 PM
Like Unnerved said, you have to trust your doctors. I know its hard at times and we have probably all felt that they have missed something but if they say its nothing to worry about then take their word for it. There are plenty of others around here that have had similiar things too!

02-16-2010, 07:54 PM
No, you're not crazy and what you're going through is very tough to experience. Severe physical symptoms are very common with stress and anxiety, the problem is knowing when it's anxiety and when there's a physical problem.

I'm going to second the comments already made. After a while you need to trust your doctors that it is stress an focus on correcting that. It sounds like they're doing a complete job of checking things out. Let them finish running their tests, then perhaps get a second, or even third, opinion but you don't need a dozen opinions. If several doctors tell you things check out well, focus on dealing with stress and anxiety.

I wish you well.

02-17-2010, 09:09 AM
thanks guys, i think i am beggining to find everything wrong with me now cause i am so sure they have missed something i am finding things now, i have never suffered with anxity and its not nice at all, i hope it goes away soon, is there anything i can take to help it go? i am being hypnotized at the moment having 6 sessions of it, i have had 2 so far and its not working............., then i begin to think oh it must be a medical problen so on so on, what i nightmare!!!!!!!!! :roll:

02-17-2010, 09:18 AM
There are so many different options out there for anxiety. Each person is different and different methods will or won't work for you. I would recommend research as many different methods as you can find and then choosing the one that works best for you.

I have written reviews of all of the different methods that I have tried on my blog.


02-17-2010, 12:46 PM
Hi Rachel :)

Sounds like stress to me . What else has your doctor told you ??

I only ask because although i part agree that you should trust your doctor in them telling you it is stress . Many of them do not have a clue on how to fix this problem and can lead you down a very hard path . They just dont understand how it works and how fearfull a panic attack can be . Even today 18 months after having two panic attacks and being most parts recovered , i still cannot discribe just how fearful they feel , i still cannot find the words for it and believe that only a person that has had them would know . They just dont understand how someone can be so scared but the turth behind it is often you are not to start with , it is your body that was stressed and sending out these symptoms , the fear only starts after that first attck. Do you see that there is really nothing you could be fearfull of if it wasnt for that first attack .

Stress is not easy to recovery from and takes along time but it can be done and it can be done drug free . It just takes some understanding of how it happened to your body and how it effects your body .

No you are not going mad and dont let anyone tell you that you caused it either , it is just something that happens to many people in life . The one thing that keeps it going is up to you though and the way you react to it , this is were understanding it is a huge help and changes it from being fearfull of it to just being pee-ed off about it . I am guessing if you are like i was everyday in the back of your mind is a thought that you may have another of these attacks. When you understand how these start and that the reaction you have towards them with fear of the unknown will make them worst then you learn to take a breathe and not react to them and over time they start to settle .

One last thing i would like to say is its great to trust your doctor on one level but if he say only that you have stress an dyou should be taking this drug or that then you need to find a better doctor , I have research anxiety for over 18 months and there is no way they are a cure all and in fact in most cases can be worst than the problem in the first place. There is so much that should be tired before you even look into taking drugs . Do your own research about things before poping a pill and remember it is your life and your body and only you can fix it . Yes a good doctor will help you on your way but a bad one will send you down a very long and hard road. If you have the smallest doubt that your doctor is not helping then walk and find one the can .

cheers kev :)

02-19-2010, 11:03 AM
hi :P thanks everyone, u guys are all so understanding, it makes a change to having a doc looking down there nose saying you are bringing it all on yourself you are stressed. I have always been one to let things bother me and i think far to much about things, but have never had this panic attack stuff till 6 months ago and since then i am in pain with my face jaw head nose u name it oh and my neck constant preasure build up in my head and ears!!! i am convinced i have a underlying reason for this but i cant have or my ct scans would of shown it............................ errrr now i have a lump come up under my tounge so now all i can think about is mouth cancer, i went to the dentist and he said he would refer me to hospital. its probably nothing blocked salivary gland or something, but i cant help but worry. Does anyone find if they go out and have a few drinks the pain all goes, how strange, untill the next afternoon it all comes back again, why is that ????

I do not wish this on my worst enemy lol


02-23-2010, 08:44 PM
Hey Rachel,

How are you finding the hypnosis? I found it helped me a good bit but intrigued to see how it went for you.

I wouldnt be worried about the face and jaw pain, usually when you are feeling stressed or anxious (even if you dont really think you are) we tense up our face muscles and clench our jaw which leads to headaches, neck pain and pain in your face. It can also cause your jaw to start clicking after awhile. I found it best to just check every so often that my jaw was loose and I wasnt clenching my teeth.

As hard as it is try not worry about the mouth lump, its almost certainly nothing at all. The type of thing you wouldnt even think about if you werent being anxious!

Alcohol usually relaxs you hence the pains and stresses go away but its not the sort of thing you want to use for that purpose. Relaxation strategies will have the same effect in time!

02-24-2010, 03:27 AM
If you are having anxiety attacks, or any severe anxiety, it may be comforting
to know that this is one of the most common mental health issues. In my experience,
just learning that the symptoms I was having (including frequent nervousness and
fear, racing heartbeat, a sense of dread and social disconnect, thinking I was losing
my mind, etc) were actually a result of anxiety was an important part of my recovery. I
was then able to begin reducing the severity of my anxiety by doing yoga. Yoga has
really helped me feel less stressed and anxious and to control my panic attacks.

02-24-2010, 09:43 AM
well i think the hypnosis is helping unsure really, my headaches dont seem to be as bad, so maybe it is helping??? :roll: , i still have 3 more sessions to go with it infact i have one more tonight. I keep having chills sudden goose bumps, and the smallest little thing such as my partner moving his leg in bed startles me alot, crazy i never used to be nervous like that. I know the lump in my mouth is probably something if i was not anxious i probably wouldnt of taken any notice of it, but i am obsessed its cancer of the salivary gland, cause i am a smoker unfortunatly :unsure: I have a appointment with max fax in april to have the lump looked at. but i am still freakin out about it !!! I know i shouldnt use alcohol as a get out but it stops the pain and i dont freak out and i just fall asleep :o Hope all of u are well and getting better over this horrible illness, i would rather have the flu than this lol x

03-03-2010, 04:03 AM
Hi there Rachel 78,

Glad to see you here- it's a great place to get support, and see you are actually OK.

I have found repeatedly that many people who suffer from stress develop other symptoms eventually.

I know it is natural to sometimes think that all is not OK, but as others have said, trust your doctors, as well as know you can change the way you react to everything.

I know it is easy to say, but I have found that the way you think, or put another way, the way you react to everything in life will help you ro reduce your stress,

I say this, as you can massively reduce the panic attacks by both following your hypnosis, as you are doing, as well as reading on relaxation techniques.

Always remember that anxioety is the result of the way you think.

It takes practice,but you can teach yourself to think everything through, from th emost pleasant angle.

In other words, if you see a problem, ask yourself if you can twist this to your advantage.
I know it takes work, but thinking this way will help you to feel more relaxed, and at ease.

Hope this helps.


03-03-2010, 06:07 AM
hi all, right update, i had a health assesment yesterday and i had a stress test, i am not stressed they said i couldnt be anymore relaxed if i tried, ok now i am really confused :? one doc telling me i am stressed and another telling me i am relaxed hmmmm, anyone else had this problem ???

03-27-2010, 11:52 AM
OK just a note for the ladies on this forum suffering panic attacks etc, do any of u have the mirena coil? look on mirena side effects forums u will be amazed, i have just had my coil removed today i am sure that it is that which has been causing my problems, i had my coil inserted in july 09 and all my problems with headaches aniety panic attacks etc started in august 09. Hope it helps :unsure:

03-28-2010, 04:47 PM
Rachel, how are you feeling? I'm sure you'll be fine..

you probably are completely fine.. I get the impression you are worrying about worrying.. It may seem quite simple, but it is infact quite difficult to get out of! The symptons are coming on because you're doing it to yourself! you're fine! :) You need to understand that:

A thought is just a thought, the reality is that you are fine, and enjoying life.

03-29-2010, 06:50 AM
Hi there

I suffered with hypochondria for years and would down the doc every two minutes with something else wrong

Its hard to just stop worrying i know but it is possible to accept some of the uncertainty that you feel-that should ease things for you

You might find my blog useful-

03-29-2010, 10:43 AM
Hi there

I suffered with hypochondria for years and would down the doc every two minutes with something else wrong

Its hard to just stop worrying i know but it is possible to accept some of the uncertainty that you feel-that should ease things for you

You might find my blog useful- thing is, i never ever had these problems till i had this damn coil fitted, now i got lump under my tounge lump on roof of the mouth and my doctors wont listen to me, its driving me nuts, i smoke so i do worry about mouth cancer, i have had my coil removed now, so i keeping my fingers crossed that i will soon be back to myself. Just worried about these lumps now :(

03-29-2010, 02:08 PM
Hi Rachel

Always go with your gut feeling . If you believe that the coil has something to do with your anxiety then you work on that.
But also except that what has happened to you in the last 12 months or so has put you under some anxiety .

I was much like you are . I one day got anxiety out of the blue which i always never believe . Anyone that knows me knows that i am a more of a SH#$ happens sort of person where not much worries me .

Also the thing that shows me that you dont have anxiety is what they class as true anixtey is that you are doing things to fix your anxiety , to find its cause .

i had a stress test, i am not stressed they said i couldnt be anymore relaxed if i tried, This from your old post sums it up i think . See yes you have anxiety now but the reason you have anxiety is soley because you know deep down in your heart that is real and you are not getting the answers from the people that are ment to help you .

I think what you need to do is look at things overall and find the main cause of your anxiety at this stage . Is it you lump under your tongue? If the doctor tells you it is fine and you are not happy then see another doctor and if they say the same just let it go.

cyst in my pituitry gland I find this interesting as this gland , the adernal glands and thyroid play a large part in anxiety . All or these things work on the hormones and chemicals in our body that effect the chemicals that make the flight and fight response. Panic is normally a response from our thinking of when these chemicals are released . So if these chemicals are being released at the wrong time then if we learn to panic we will and even if we learn not to panic those chemicals can still be being released and cause general anxiety and this anxiety is not caused by our thinking and the thinking that is involed is only a by product of these chemicals.

Ok Doctors are not my best friend but doctors are trained to detect disease , they are not looking at causes . Example there is a test before someone gets diabetes that with show that the body is not working as it should but they dont do this test , they wait until you get it and then do it to prove you have it , well what the point of that . Also with many of these test you can still fall within range but still feel mild symptoms of what they are testing for . These test are the right range for 95% of the population . Well what about the other 5%

If i was you i would be seeing a good natural doctor , one that looks at the symptoms and treats them and not covers them up .This is the way i have gone and found out that many things are causing my anxiety and general unwellness . But i am onto fixing them .

Your coil i personally believe you when you say it was the problem . Just because the doctor you see has not seen it happen dose not mean it dosent happen .

Because a side effect is stated here, it does not mean that all people using this medicine will experience that or any side effect.

Change in menstrual bleeding, such as frequent, prolonged or heavy bleeding, spotting, lighter bleeding, irregular bleeding or stopping of bleeding
Development of fluid filled sacks (cysts) in the ovaries
Excessive fluid retention in the body tissues, resulting in swelling (oedema)
Weight gain
Mood swings
Lower abdominal pain
Back pain
Breast pain
Painful menstrual bleeding
Vaginal discharge
Inflammation of the cervix
Hair loss or hair growth
Skin reactions such as rash or itching
Genital infections, including pelvic inflammatory disease
Decreased sex drive
Abdominal bloating

Doctors are not god , many think they are but as i said always always go with your gut feeling because that is what it is there for. Also remember that when things change in the body they also need time to change back , so if this coil has changed the way your body was working it may take a while for it to adjust back , so try not to feed that anxiety while it happens .

cheers and wishing you well kev :D

03-30-2010, 07:44 AM
wow u done your research lol, well i see the neurologist in april about my head and cyst see what he gonna say the whole thing is driving me mad now, just want to be back to my old self again ! thanks for the advise i appreciate it :D

03-30-2010, 08:18 AM
I would see an endocrinologist about your cyst, and have them test all the types of hormones with blood tests to see if anything is out of range. My husband suffered many years with anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and finally got diagnosed with a pheochromocytoma which is a tumor on the adrenal gland that produces hormones. This tumor was releasing hormones that gave him adrenaline rushes that caused all those symptoms. He has had the adrenal gland removed and is very calm and relaxed now.

03-31-2010, 06:56 AM
well i have wondered if this is what could be going on here, seems thou it all started out the blue, i had a mri scan done privatly coz my gp wouldnt listen to me and kept saying it was panic attacks etc, i knew something wasnt quite right so we got the scan done and it showed the cyst, well they think its a cyst, but coz it was a private scan the nhs wont look at it, it took me 6 months to convince my gp that it needs following up and testing properly so finally he agreed to send me to a neurologist, from there i spose he will send me for endocrine tests, its been a nightmare to say the least !!! :?

03-31-2010, 10:47 AM
My husband saw a neurologist years before the endocrinologist, but the neurologist said nothing was wrong too...never sent him on. It was only other symptoms that eventually got us to the endocrinologist.

03-31-2010, 12:34 PM
Are you in the US ? I am in england so we have NHS health care and they are not exactly quick off the mark, my doctor have constantly ignored my symptoms and made me feel like i was crazy!!! not the sort of treatment i needed really, so i dont know how i am going to get to see a endocrinologist, unless they refer me! ! any sugestions?

04-02-2010, 02:24 AM
If you are having anxiety attacks, or any severe anxiety, it may be comforting
to know that this is one of the most common mental health issues. In my experience,
just learning that the symptoms I was having (including frequent nervousness and
fear, racing heartbeat, a sense of dread and social disconnect, thinking I was losing
my mind, etc) were actually a result of anxiety was an important part of my recovery. I
was then able to begin reducing the severity of my anxiety by doing yoga. Yoga has
really helped me feel less stressed and anxious and to control my panic attacks.

It is very good to know that you recovered yourself from yoga and it proved to be the best way to fight with stress and anxiety.

I always prefer yoga the most as it is the only way that keeps your mind relax and calm also, at the other side it helps you to get over this problem very soon.


04-03-2010, 06:58 AM
Can anyone help? My doc keeps telling me i am stressed!!! My symptoms are constant headache acheing down my nose and jaws pressure feeling in my head, fullness of the ears a lump under my tounge keep going cold and having shivers and tingling feeling all over, when i try to sleep i feel i am sinking into the bed and i almost feel parelized and can catch my breath or more for a few seconds, i have had a mri scan and it showed a cyst in my pituitry gland but they said that is nothing to worry about, i have been to ENT all is fine so far having a ct of sinusis on thursday, i dont have a cold or anything, does anyone else suffer with this or am i just crazy, i have had this for 6 months nowafter following a massive panic attack, well the docs told me it was a panic attack i have never had one before so i am just taking their word for it, can any one help ?? :roll:

This sounds exactly what I've been going through since Feb. 6. Huge panic attack right out of nowhere and ever since I have all these weird symptoms. Mainly in the head as you describe, feels like pulsating in the back of my nose, full and plugged ears, tingling all over my head inside and out, increased heart rate. I went from normal one day to this nightmare. I've had an MRI on the inner ear and get the results on Monday. I also have vertigo. When I roll over in bed the room spins. I just want it all to go away. HELP!

04-03-2010, 10:00 AM
i have been told i have tmj most anxiety suffers do its to do with the joint that conects the jaw to the skull when we suffer from anxiety we tend to tensed and clench stuff mostly jaws nd teeth which is why we get headaches ear fullness dizzyness etc,, look it up its quite a thing with anxiety sufferers

04-03-2010, 02:53 PM
yes i have heard that this is a thing with anxiety, the only thing i am anxious about now is that i have all these lumps coming up in my mouth that will not go away, before this i had nothing to be anxious about! this is why it is completly out the blue for me, 8 months of hell with no answers, now its starting to drive me mad !!!!! :evil: