View Full Version : I have issues

03-18-2006, 05:30 PM
Here is my story, I have had issues for a long time. I at times feel so different from everyone else. As a child I got butterfly going in to a new classroom for the first time. As I got older I didn't like crowds too much. I know from that it doesn't sound too bad. But this is where it gets crazy.... When I left to go to Basic train I had issues with my stomach. I couldn't eat and I would be nauseas. I was told I was home sick. It did pass after a week or 2. But I had the same thing as I was going to desert storm. I had the same issues when my 1st wife and I was separated and I spent the night with someone else, the next day I felt sick and couldn't sleep. I have some or sometimes all the same issues to inclued not being able to sleep, my mind will keep wondering. Granted sometimes there are long gaps in between me getting this way and it will mostly go away in a few days, but it comes back if something sets it off. Like the other day I was away at some meetings and I was out having a few drinks and a lady I know kissed me(yes I kiss her back) and yes I'm married and shouldn't have done that but not to worry my body punished me the next 2 day. I have a lot of sleepless nights thinking about work or something that needs fixed around the house, there again its not all the time. I feel so different then everyone else and I have never told anyone and was thinking I could deal with it but I now know I will always have this.