View Full Version : Hi!! I'd love some advice??

02-15-2010, 04:11 PM
Hi, my name is Caitlin. I was diagnosed with GAD (general anxiety disorder) when I was about nine years old. They put me on Zoloft, and I have been taking it for about ten years up until now (I'm 20). I never had any terrible side effects with Zoloft, and for the most part it managed my anxiety pretty well. I still had the occassional panic attack, but they weren't taking over my life anymore.

Fast forward to last week. On Monday night, I had a panic attack, and I ended up going to the ER out of fear. My pulse was 156 bpm, which is out of control. They ended up giving me adovan (spelling?) for relaxing, and sent me back home. I figured, "wow, that was the worst panic attack I have ever had" and went on my way home, expecting to wake up refreshed and able to move on. I have always been able to shake off my panic attacks the next day and continue living life. But when I woke up, I still had that pit in my stomach, and the nervousness was still present. I started obsessing over having another panic attack, and I literally spent all week fretting over having another one.
I felt like I was literally going insane, like I was losing my mind. Has anyone ever felt that way?

So after the ER incident, and still panicking about having another attack, I ended up at the hospital again on Friday night (coincidentally my 20th birthday). I went because I felt hopeless, I was exhausted with constantly worrying about having a panic attack, and I couldn't do it on my own anymore. THEY interpreted that as suicidal thoughts, and committed me to the psych ward for the weekend (happy birthday!!!). I wasn't allowed to leave, and after finally convincing the hospital psychologist I didn't want to kill myself, they said I could leave in twenty four hours (due to legalities and such). So that pretty much freaked me out, not being able to leave, with a room full of very depressed, suicidal people. I was depressed, don't get me wrong, but only because my anxiety seemed to be taking over my life.

Now, if you beared through and read all that, thank you, thank you so much because it's nice to know you're reading my background so you can give me some advice.

The psychologist said that maybe it was time for a new medicaton, and that my Zoloft just might be pooped out after ten years. They started me on Paxil, and I have only been on it for two days.

My questions for you, fellow worriers are:

1- Have you ever felt like you were losing your mind, or losing control with anxiety taking over? Did you get over it?
2- Has your medicine just ever pooped out on you before?
3-Anyone have any reviews for Paxil? I keep hearing terrible things about withdrawl symptoms and such, which is just making my anxiety go up more and more. Also, when does it start to kick in??

I wasn't sure where to post this lengthy article, so if it is in the wrong section I'm sorry.

Any, ANY, advice at all would be appreciated. I'll probably just keep refreshing this page waiting for a response.

02-16-2010, 08:29 PM
Hi, my name is Caitlin. I was diagnosed with GAD (general anxiety disorder) when I was about nine years old. They put me on Zoloft, and I have been taking it for about ten years up until now (I'm 20). I never had any terrible side effects with Zoloft, and for the most part it managed my anxiety pretty well. I still had the occassional panic attack, but they weren't taking over my life anymore.

Fast forward to last week. On Monday night, I had a panic attack, and I ended up going to the ER out of fear. My pulse was 156 bpm, which is out of control. They ended up giving me adovan (spelling?) for relaxing, and sent me back home. I figured, "wow, that was the worst panic attack I have ever had" and went on my way home, expecting to wake up refreshed and able to move on. I have always been able to shake off my panic attacks the next day and continue living life. But when I woke up, I still had that pit in my stomach, and the nervousness was still present. I started obsessing over having another panic attack, and I literally spent all week fretting over having another one.
I felt like I was literally going insane, like I was losing my mind. Has anyone ever felt that way?

So after the ER incident, and still panicking about having another attack, I ended up at the hospital again on Friday night (coincidentally my 20th birthday). I went because I felt hopeless, I was exhausted with constantly worrying about having a panic attack, and I couldn't do it on my own anymore. THEY interpreted that as suicidal thoughts, and committed me to the psych ward for the weekend (happy birthday!!!). I wasn't allowed to leave, and after finally convincing the hospital psychologist I didn't want to kill myself, they said I could leave in twenty four hours (due to legalities and such). So that pretty much freaked me out, not being able to leave, with a room full of very depressed, suicidal people. I was depressed, don't get me wrong, but only because my anxiety seemed to be taking over my life.

Now, if you beared through and read all that, thank you, thank you so much because it's nice to know you're reading my background so you can give me some advice.

The psychologist said that maybe it was time for a new medicaton, and that my Zoloft just might be pooped out after ten years. They started me on Paxil, and I have only been on it for two days.

My questions for you, fellow worriers are:

1- Have you ever felt like you were losing your mind, or losing control with anxiety taking over? Did you get over it?
2- Has your medicine just ever pooped out on you before?
3-Anyone have any reviews for Paxil? I keep hearing terrible things about withdrawl symptoms and such, which is just making my anxiety go up more and more. Also, when does it start to kick in??

I wasn't sure where to post this lengthy article, so if it is in the wrong section I'm sorry.

Any, ANY, advice at all would be appreciated. I'll probably just keep refreshing this page waiting for a response.


I cant really help on the medication side of things because I dont take any and I never have but I am sure someone on the forums might be able to help. There is a section on the forums about medication somewhere so maybe check that out.

I have been pretty lucky on the panic attack front, I have only really had one or two but I know its super common to be anxious of having another one and fretting over it. I think the most important thing to do if you do start to have that fear again then just take a couple of deep breaths and remember that even if you had a panic attack its completely harmless and cant hurt you in anyway. Its a scary thing but ultimately its a toothless monster.

It sucks about the psych ward, I know the feelings you mean where you are just so stressed and worried and feel like everything is kinda falling apart and you just cant cope with it. I can see how people might misread it for suicidal thoughts even though that has nothing to do with it. I have been there a few times but it doesnt make me want to kill myself either, it makes me feel sad and depressed that its happening but not to the point where I want out of life!

I am sure that whole experience did nothing to help your feelings either because it sure as hell wouldnt have helped mine!

So in direct answer to your questions, yes I have felt lots of times I was going crazy or I was losing my grip on everything. There have been just as many times where I feel that I am about to just collapse into total anxiety too, like I am on top of a cliff and sliding towards it. You do get over it eventually, it helps if you can recognise the distructive thought patterns and stop them before they take over.

Hope that helps!

'Half Empty'
02-23-2010, 03:17 PM
I know i have been suffering with similar ellements of what you describe. i cant really help you with the medication. But when you talk about the loss of control and the mind taking over...i can relate to that. I dont know a great deal about all this because im just starting and accepting it. but "you are not alone". Keep going and believe!

02-23-2010, 03:46 PM
My questions for you, fellow worriers are:

1- Have you ever felt like you were losing your mind, or losing control with anxiety taking over? Did you get over it?
2- Has your medicine just ever pooped out on you before?
3-Anyone have any reviews for Paxil? I keep hearing terrible things about withdrawl symptoms and such, which is just making my anxiety go up more and more. Also, when does it start to kick in??

I wasn't sure where to post this lengthy article, so if it is in the wrong section I'm sorry.

Any, ANY, advice at all would be appreciated. I'll probably just keep refreshing this page waiting for a response.

1. -I suffer from social anxiety, not panic attacks, and for me it is incredibly difficult to not lose my mind and control in certain situations. My wife, who suffers from panic attacks, has been able to teach herself that she is simply not going to have one when her body wants to make her have one, and that works.

2. -No, I don't use much medicine anymore, but this is entirely possible. Your body can adjust and get used to it, reducing any effects that it might have. This makes sense for you, given you've been on that med for 10 years. It is entirely possible to get better without using medication at all, although medication can be helpful.

3. -Medicines are all spotty and might work, but maybe they might not. There is no one medicine that works for everyone all the time. Medicines can also backfire and make things worse. The only way you find out is by trying, and it's up to you whether or not to keep on the medicine.