View Full Version : New here, anybody's anxiety/panic worsen with a cold?

02-12-2010, 03:27 AM
I am just (hopefully) getting over a sinus infection and junky chest. My anxiety symptoms have gone through the roof during this and the feeling that I cannot breathe properly has been much more pronounced than usual. I often wonder if I do have an actual problem with my breathing as oppose to feeling breathless to anxiety, but the doc noted nothing more than a mild wheeze along with my sinus infection, nothing to even warrant an inhaler. I tend to get preoccupied with how often I am breathing, and the way I breathe and it seems to make things worse! Do anyone elses symptoms worsen when they have a cold? Thanks in advance :)

02-12-2010, 11:09 AM
anyone? :(

02-12-2010, 11:28 AM
Anytime I am sick - including with a cold - I am more anxious. Its par for the course.

02-12-2010, 09:30 PM
i feel worse when i have a cold or am sick

i think with anxiety we get all these physical symptoms that we cant explain in our body

when we really are sick and have symptoms i think in our mind we re assure ourself we are sick and its not just a physical symptom from anxiety and worry a bit more about it

02-14-2010, 04:44 PM
It makes sense for you to feel more anxious when sick, I guess it probably happens to the majority. A cold when your chest is congested is also likely to make you feel more breathless than usual, dont worry, it will clear up in time!

02-16-2010, 09:06 AM
Im actually completely the other way.

On the two occasioans ive been ill in the last six months, with cough, cold, flu type symptoms, my anxiety has actually completely vanished.

Its almost like my body wakes up to fight the infection and my brain starts working properly again.