View Full Version : For all the health anxious out there?

02-11-2010, 04:13 PM
Do you find its only about yourself or does it extend to others around you? Also do you find you go around over the same concerns or do you find new ones to focus on?

Personally I seem to focus on both myself, my girlfriend and my family. It can be quite exhausting really, almost like I feel I have look out for everyone. I dont really know why because I always turn it into life threatening things that I couldnt do anything about anyway! But even the smallest thing can set off an anxious train of thought.

For the most part with my own concerns, I pretty much go on a loop of things and everynow and then a new one throws itself into the mix from somewhere.

Anyway just interested to know how other peoples minds work. :D

02-11-2010, 05:03 PM
For me it is mostly about myself. When my wife has had issues I tell her not to worry about it. Wish I could take my own advice!

It started with worrying about my health and now it seems anything can set off a panic attack. Probably the stress causing irrational thoughts which can be scary.

02-11-2010, 07:48 PM
Mine is about myself. I always think that everyone else is fine and I am the only one who has the potential to die suddenly at the relatively young age of 32.

My main health concern is my heart. I have been checked out multiple times and am assured I am fine, but, as is the nature of anxiety, I can't convince myself.

02-12-2010, 12:37 PM
Mine is about myself. I always think that everyone else is fine and I am the only one who has the potential to die suddenly at the relatively young age of 32.

My main health concern is my heart. I have been checked out multiple times and am assured I am fine, but, as is the nature of anxiety, I can't convince myself.

I have this same issue - it always goes back to heart related or cancer...i never worry about my wife or kids or anyone around me...its only myself. It is something i will obsess over for days or weeks then when i go to the doctor and they tell me im fine i wont worry about it for 6 months until something else triggerss it

02-14-2010, 04:52 PM
Interesting, sometimes with other people I can just dismiss whatever the concern is and move on but alot of the time I find myself worrying about everyone and turning everyones slightest ailments into something sinister.

Most of the time I turn alot of stuff into Cancer, I will obsess over somethng for awhile until I either get it checked or I talk myself out of it.