View Full Version : magnesium citrate side effects

02-11-2010, 12:23 PM
Tried to reply to a previous post but when I hit submit it kept going to a preview (even though I wasn't pushing preview). Will try making a new thread now.

You also might want to try drinking Magnesium Citrate to flush out your intestines, you will have to use the bathroom a few times but it’s worth it to get as much of the toxins out as possible. That will help everything you eat to digest and absorb easier. I would do this before I start the Aminos. If you do decide to do this you will need to eat some yogurt (not the fat free stuff) for a few days to a week after wards to help restore the proper flora balance in your gut.
Hey Hanino,

Have you heard of any possible side effects of taking magnesium citrate? Maybe there are some resources about using it?