View Full Version : Weak feeling, feel like your going to collapse...

02-09-2010, 08:23 AM
Hi guys, this is my first time writing, long time reading (unfortunately...) I am writing because I have been trying to accept my anxiety for a while, like Dr. Weekes talks about but I have a problem with accepting my feelings of passing out, and feeling really weak. last night i had this for a couple of hours, and I dont even know how I was able to keep from falling over from feeling so weak, its not a weak feeling like i am tired, but a weak feeling like I am not getting enough blood to my brain, it feels like after getting alot of blood drawn. its really hard to explain. I have tons of symptoms and they always seem to change,I have been to doctors several times and everything checks out fine, but these really bother me and scare the crap out of me. So if anyone else gets this or has a good method of accepting this I would really appreciate it. just to know that someone else has the same thing would put my mind at ease. Thanks alot and Godbless all of you that suffer from this crap one day we will all feel better than we can help others.

02-09-2010, 10:24 AM

I like you have had real problems in accepting that my illness is anxiety. Have a look at my post entitled “6 months of hell”.

I just wanted to let you know that I also get feelings of weakness..but it is generally on waking (if I have actually had any sleep that is). It feels like I will pass out in bed – how can this be? There is a real weakness throughout my body and it makes my head feel strange.

If you read my post – you will see what a nightmare this condition can be. I am now under the care of a psychiatrist and have started to take some meds (small dose) at least to get some sleep.

I know what you mean...this illness is hell...it feels like you have been robbed of your life.

Are you still able to work? I had to give up work last September as too ill to go.

The whole thing sucks.........

I hope this helps – but please read my post to see just what tests I have had done. All were totally clear.

02-09-2010, 01:07 PM
yeah I havent worked steady in almost 2 years, I also get it sometimes if I am laying down, or if I havent sleeped, but what puzzles me is that I can be feeling ok (i say ok but I always have some symptom going on) then out of no where I feel like someone pulled a plug out of me and I get weak, faint feeling to the point that I think that i am going to pass out, but i never do, as many of you know, each time feels like it is the last you will do but it never is
I am tired of being bluffed but I feel like I am dying all the time.

02-09-2010, 03:04 PM
oh i know the feeling,
yesterday i went to work havnt been working for a while [cause of ression] drove 2 hours to job i had to do got there and all of a sudden bang every bit of energy just drained from me i tryed for half an hour put just couldnt pull myself together so off home i headed,

what a waist . this anxiety realy can take over.

02-15-2010, 08:29 AM
I feel like this too, I seem to feel constantly light headed and will pass out. My head feels tight, like theres something in there trying to get out. I'm convinced that i will drop dead at any moment and it really is ruining my life.

work is hell, hate shopping, am even nervous about taking my daughter school. have just started taking some amino acid and going back to dr on thursday, no doubt will be given anti-depressants again.

02-15-2010, 08:50 PM
regarding the fear or thought that you are going to pass out

i suffer that and probably is my biggest symptom of anxiety, the rest i can deal with but that one really gets to me

I did read that in order to pass out in 99% of the cases its from low blood pressure, its your bodies self defence system to get your head down low so blood can still flow to the brain.

When we get an anxiety attack its the opposite its high blood pressure we are suffering not low so the chances of actually passing out are very slim,

I know all too well its a horrible feeling but i try to remind myself of the above when i feel that way,

remember anxiety is discomfort, not danger or distress

hope this helps a little