View Full Version : Social Phobia & Agoraphobia - Plus lack of motivation

02-07-2010, 06:30 AM
Hi All,

i am still on 20 mg of Flu daily - Into week 6 (as of Tuesday), although have seen soe motivational improvements - It seems to be in peaks and troughs.... One hour I can be calm and relaxed, then go into anticiptory anxiety....

I seem to be having great fear of the outside world still - to go to the garage or the shops I have to be accompanied, I am able to go to work but in constant state of anxiety all day long. I am around people I have known for many years and kjoined the company to try and get better, though have had a few sick days due to not being able to get out of bed...

I fear that I am being judged everywhere I go and my Doctor and psychotherapist knows this - They seem to think that i should try to 're-frame' my thoughts but this is soooo difficult. Every thought I try to re-frame, another negative thought comes bouncing in just to throw me off gaurd

I am hopeful that I will get better through all of this, but just do not see it at present. I am sitting here writig this note for advice from any of you guys - I am hopeful that it is just early wih the Flu and that I have to continue for a while to balance it out...

Motiviation is real poor with wondering what I shoudl be doing and my partner is so fed up with it all - also suffering with depression, so we are both on Flu at present.

Without wanting to sound like a 'mad-man' I wondered if any of you could provide ideas / advice - I am coming to he end of my tether with all of this, and seems I am the only one earning money to pay the bills, I have to go on (partner has been of work for 5 weeks now and counting).

The outcome needs to be a positive one, just real lost, and curious which way to turn....

Thank for reading, needed to vent and look forward to replies...
