View Full Version : Anxious about Anxiety

02-04-2010, 03:44 PM

I have been reading this forum for a while but this is my first post. In the last year, I have suffered anxiety over some health issues that I worried were life threatening but of course were not. Now my problem is that any thought creates a anxious response and it seems to be on a constant loop that is driving me crazy!

Has anyone else experienced this and how did you deal?


02-04-2010, 04:07 PM

You can rest assured that "being afraid of being afraid" is very common and quickly can become a vicious circle. Many people have different approaches that work for them.

One I've learned that may seem counter-intuitive is to accept the fear and almost dare it to get worse. As you've learned, you're not really dying (it only feels like it :-) Resisting creates tension and fear of the unknown. Daring the fear to do its worse seems to destroy its power. At least it works for me.

Hope this helps.

02-04-2010, 04:49 PM
Thanks Jeff.

I will give this a try.

I can handle the physical symptoms of anxiety. It is the feeling of unreality that is taking a toll on me. Seeing a therapist for the first time tomorrow. I am hopeful this will help. Trying to kick this without meds.