02-04-2010, 03:14 PM
I have had anxiety in the past, and I was able to kick it. I was basically free of the problem for about 8 years when it reered it's ugly head again and this time I am in pretty bad shape.

I have anxiety about suicide. Let me clarify. I DO NOT want to kill myself. I HAVE NEVER thought about doing that and I currently do not have a plan or anything. I just have this intense fear that I might do that someday and it scares the shit out of me.

Has anyone had this obsession? How do I make it go away?

Please understand that I am NOT suicidal. I have a great wife, great kids, a decent job and yet I feel as though I am losing control of my life. What is going on here?

I have been to counselling twice and he told me to relax. I wasn't going to kill myself and I needed to just stop the thinking. Will that work?

02-07-2010, 07:22 AM
I am new to this site and although I don't currently have issues with anxiety, I see I have experienced it off and on through my life. I joined this site because my husband and I have a dear friend who is dealing with severe anxiety right now. She has expressed fears concerning the impulse to hurt herself or others. She doesn't WANT to hurt ANYONE but the thoughts cross her mind and they frighten her. I have felt that way at times and can sympathize with both of you. I'm sorry I don't have any words of wisdom, but I hope that knowing someone else feels (or felt) what you feel might be somehow comforting.

02-11-2010, 12:34 AM
Well I can relate I actually had the same type of obsessive thoughts about killing or hurting my girlfriend, even though that is not me at all, I love my girlfriend and would never harm her. It scared me so bad I had to wake up my brother at 3:00 in the morning and talk to him about it since he had anxiety problems before, and he told me that just the fact that you know that it is a horrible thought means that you would never do anything, and that with anxiety this is common and that, the people that you have to worry about think that there is nothing wrong with these thoughts. Then he told me to just let these thoughts be there and dont try to make them go away, just realize there not true give them there space and they will go away, and I am happy to tell you that those thoughts havent crossed my mind since and that was over a year and a half ago. Hope that this helps

02-11-2010, 11:57 AM
i used to suffer with this for years. i tried just about everything...coounseling, prayer, meditation YOU NAME IT.

I finally found help.

02-11-2010, 03:58 PM
The very fact that you do not want to commit suicide shows that your ok! Just because you are fearful of it doesnt mean it will come true, people get crazy ideas in their head all the time but it doesnt mean you are considering them. If you can just dismiss it as a random thought that pops into your head and move on, you dont want to commit suicide, are not suicidal and therefore you wont!