View Full Version : If only Anxiety felt good

02-04-2010, 05:26 AM
can you imagine that all symptoms associated with anxiety were feelings like happiness, delight, well being, peace of mind, excitement etc....

sadly as we all know this is not the case, if it was the case then i am sure this web site would cost money to join :lol:

we are not afraid of stepping outside, we are not afraid of going into an elevator, we are not afraid of having every medical condition known to man.

we are only afraid of the feelings that are created by these imaginary fears.

again, imagine the feelings were all good and not bad, then we would not have any problem, but sadly this isn’t the truth.

so, if we change the way that our body reacts to these fears then we are on the way to full recovery.

the word i would use is association, we know as soon as we walk outside, we are going to feel pain in the chest, we know beads of sweat will start running down our forehead, we know that we will start to feel dizzy etc etc etc....

so why on earth would we want to go out side?

so we need to change the way we feel and our associations..

i once did a course with someone called Anthony Robbins, search for him on the net. he taught me how to change the way I associates my feelings from my thoughts.

For example the thought of going outside gave me a dreaded feeling of despair because I knew the anxiety feelings were hiding behind the bushes.

So to change the way i associatte going outside to these dreaded feelings... I kept repeating in mind that I was walking outside. I would start signing that stupid clown music....and visualising that when I stepped into the garden I was in a middle of a circus…

I would do this over and over again and eventually the thought of going outside made me laugh because of that stupid clown music now in my head and entering a circus.

I also take a pure root form of ginseng which balances me, I have heard of many alternatives to meds and I would be happy if people posted here how they got away from meds and how they now feel now.