View Full Version : 6 months of hell....

02-03-2010, 02:01 PM

I am new to the forum and am wondering if anyone can help me?

I have been unwell for the past 6 months with the following symptoms: Burning throughout my body which comes in waves – chronic pain behind my ears that penetrates into my head – a complete inability to sleep beyond 2/3am. Some days when I wake I feel so weak that I can hardly get to the bathroom – nausea...some numbness/tingling in my hands (mainly at night)..the symptoms are relentless – I don't have any days or nights without them. There is a tightness/fogginess in my head which is very disorientating. My eyes feel quite rigid at times.

I have had the following investigations: several blood tests/eye test/full heart check with a 48 tape monitor and ECG. MRI scan of brain, neck and inner ear ..full CT scan from neck to pelvis. Chest x-ray..vestibular test...all were returned clear.

My symptoms have deteriorated since Dec. I now rarely go out as I feel so unwell and am very sad and frustrated for the life that I have lost. I am tempted to repeat the MRI on my brain as this was done in Nov 09. I feel SO unwell – can this REALLY be anxiety and depression? I saw a consultant psychiatrist this week who advised me to chant some positive mantra's and read some books on anxiety and that this episode would clear in a few days. I am simply too unwell to do this.

Because of the very unpleasant feelings in my head – I am concerned that there is something more sinister going on.

Can anyone impart some advice as to what to do??

Many thanks.....

02-04-2010, 09:00 AM
Battle on! You are hardcore, and soon the cause of your symptoms will be found, then just think of that relief you so deserve. Please post updates soon, so anyone can help if we can.

- Andrew

02-04-2010, 12:55 PM
Thanks for your post Andrew....

What I was really hoping was that someone on this site would confirm what some of the doctors are telling me, which is that I am suffering from chronic anxiety and depression. Also that this can be beaten or overcome..

Thanks for your input...

02-04-2010, 02:12 PM
Sometimes it's very hard, but you have to be willing to just trust your physician. If you have had all of the necessary tests run and the physician tells you that it is anxiety, that is great. It means that you can stop worrying about your health.

And yes, anxiety can be beat. Many on here have, many more are far into the process (myself included). There are many self-help programs out there, also just getting things out in the open on forums like this is a great way to ease the tension. If you want to read up on any of the methods that I have used, you can check out my blog. http://www.unnervedonline.com

02-04-2010, 04:18 PM
It is very common for physical symptoms to result from anxiety. In fact, many alternative practitioners might say that all physical complaints have a strong emotional component.

I agree with unnerved. It's time to accept the physicians evaluation that the issue at hand is not predominately physical and start to focus on the psychological/emotional.

Positive affirmations, meditation, the relaxation response, exercise, thought stopping, cognitive restructuring and more can all help but the first thing you need to realize is that you need to do them. I know it can be incredibly hard to take that first step, but if you don't you'll never get anywhere.

BTW - in my opinion, medications can be helpful but are never the whole answer. Don't expect that you can just take a pill and everything will get better.

02-04-2010, 09:56 PM
Something more sinester going on?? Yea, that's anxiety, something sinester is always going on, so you think, but it's not. Just anxiety, Everyone know's how you feel. The hardest part is trying not to stress out about stressing out. Take some time out, read some books.

Listen to JeffB, you'll have to try real hard to embrace some of the things out there, that will get you through this.

Go to half.com. One book I'm reading right now is "retrain your brain" Frank lawless. I see it there it's still going for 2 dollars, and couple of bucks for shipping. I'm liking it a lot. Real educational, and that's what will help you beat it all, knowledge is power. Any way there are several there for under 5 dollars. If you don't feel well enough to start reading, just force a couple of pages, you'll find energy. Get the Anxiety and phobia workbook, the first chapter will drop your jaw. It will describe who you are to a T.


One last thought, From the sounds of your symptoms, I think your already in the worst of it, you just need to go the other way now.

02-05-2010, 03:55 PM
Many thanks to all who replied....some very useful stuff here.

Can I just ask...

I have also been getting really bad ear pain which penetrates into my head..to the point where I hold my head it is so bad. Has anyone else experienced this level of pain?? Surely this level of pain can't be produced by anxiety or can it?

I saw my physician yesterday...who is encouraging me to go to the supermarket..walk round my village...little steps to recovery. What I don't get is that if these symptoms in my head dissipated then I could do all this normal stuff anyway.

I have just started on some meds...to see if they help as at my wits end - not sleeping etc.

Anymore comments appreciated.........


02-05-2010, 05:10 PM
Hiya, u can experiece all kinds with anxiety. One thing i read which rang true was anxiety doesnt have its own symptoms but mimics every other illness. I used to get what felt like electric shocks going from my chest to my head. im feeling better now but feel like its creeping its way back. alot of ppl said i should fight it and keep myself busy to forget it but i was really bad to the point where i couldnt move off my couch. i dont actually feel like i fought it i feel like i let it run its course. its an awful thing to have and when i was put on medication i felt like i couldnt wait for it to kick in but now i feel much better, like i said i do feel like its creeping back but now i know what to expect

02-06-2010, 01:50 AM
the mimicing thing is totally true my anxiety gets so bad it gives me bad digestion problems...so the dr thought i had acid reflux and took two months of tablets to and i sat and though one day i don't hae this the tablets only made me worse i wasnt digesting food properly but im off them now..when im bad my stomach is always the first to suffer x

02-06-2010, 10:21 PM
I want to second Hesson81's suggestion. I found the retrain your brain book both fascinating and helpful.

Another one I found very enlightening was, I believe, called The Mind and the Brain by Jeffrey Schwartz. It outlines the history of contemporary brain research as well as describing some new therapies. Dr. Schwartz's area of interest/expertise is obsessive - compulsive disorder and his success is striking. What's remarkable is that he has documented intent being able to change the actual physical working of the brain.

The point is that you can shift the way your brain processes things, and sometimes it does take force of will to do it.

Please do walk around the village as you doctor suggests. And perhaps see how many points of beauty can see as you do.

02-09-2010, 05:24 PM
i had many similar symptoms your describing. With me it all started with vertigo. I know you mentioned ear pain and some sort of dizzyness. I too had rain MRI, ear test, EKG etc, I also went to vestibular therpay and I must say that in time and doing the exercises I got better, to the point where it is managable at least. I am stuck however with anxiety, constantly feeling that it will return, and my anxiety will trigger slight dizzyness, sweating etc. You may want to check into this therapy...helped me
take care...