View Full Version : breathing

02-03-2010, 12:31 PM
still cant cope with not being able to take a deep breath...its feels like something is constricting the diaphram...and the more i think bout it and try the harder is it..is this anxiety? :x

02-03-2010, 02:03 PM
That is definitely anxiety.

Here's a short explanation:

When you are anxious you get tense. All of your muscles tense up as your body moves into fight or flight mode. In between and over the top of your ribs the muscles are doing the same. Tensing. When you take in a breath, you don't "suck in". You relax your diaphragm and the muscles in and around your rib cage to allow your lungs to open up and air to move in. If your muscles are tensed by anxiety they do not relax enough to allow you to take in a deep breath.

How do you change this? First, you have to stop worrying that something is wrong. Nothing is wrong. Second, don't worry that you can't consciously take a deep breath. Your body takes care of it for you. If you need more oxygen your body will take a deep breath whether you are thinking about it or not. Once you can control your worrying about taking a deep breath, you will relax more and more, and actually be able to consciously do it.

Hope this helps.

02-03-2010, 02:08 PM
thankyou it has helped loads...ill try not to think about it from now on easy said than dne i guess xx

02-03-2010, 02:12 PM
Definitely easier said than done. If you ever need to chat feel free to PM me.