View Full Version : Hi looking for fellow anxiety companions to talk to !

02-03-2010, 09:31 AM
Hi iam matt iam 28 and starting suffering from bad anxiaty about a year ago. I used to love going out and partying and drinking until i started getting real bad anxiaty attacks the next morning and all the next day while being hungover . I carried on going out and it just got worse and worse so ive stoped going out and i now suffer from anxiety every day from when i wake up which is usaly stupid o'clock cos it wakes me up so early and its starting to do my head in . Ive noticed ive been having

Strange dreams
Floaters in my eyes
Pains in my arms and legs
A slight pain in the side of my head
Wakeing up with numb hands
Wakeing up suddenly in the middle of the night
Blurred vision sumtimes

Does any one else have these symptoms ? thanks Mat :?

02-03-2010, 10:17 AM
yep i get them all specially the black dots..and the chest pain is so scary /:(

02-03-2010, 12:32 PM
hi matt, im 26 and have had the same symptoms, the pains in my head drive me crazy and the sweating. hope some of your symptoms easy off

02-03-2010, 02:03 PM
Yer mate i was suffering badly with the sweating sweaty hands feet and id have a shower put a clean top and some deodorant go out to meet a mate and id have the biggest sweat patchs around my arm pits . thanks mat

02-04-2010, 03:23 AM
Yes I have all of those symptoms too. I often wake in the night with numb hands and the eye floaters are really horrible. Had a really bad night last night, woke up twice in a panic, thumping heart etc. I went to an exercise class last night for the first time in years. I thought excercise was supposed to be good for anxiety but I had a terrible night and now have to worst headache today.

Have just been looking up symptoms again on the net, I know I shouldn't but am having a bad time lately. :(

02-06-2010, 07:36 AM
hi matt and to everyone else on here,
im a 31 year old male.
iv been the same as you the last few weeks and i never felt anything like this before,

at first i thought the worst so went to the doctor and he said i had anxiety but i wouldnt belive that how could somthing like this make me feel so bad .

then a week ago i had my first attack and ended up in the er the done all the usual test but couldnt find a lot only low pottassium in my blood ,

i now have an attack nearly once a day and im hoping its soon going to stop or at least calm down as it is starting to efect my family livelihood.

so if you need to talk to anyone im wright hear with you and that goes to anyone else on here.

02-07-2010, 03:52 PM
Strange dreams Check
Floaters in my eyes Check
Pains in my arms and legs Check
A slight pain in the side of my head Check
Wakeing up with numb hands Check
Wakeing up suddenly in the middle of the night Check
Dizzyness Check
Blurred vision sumtimes Check

Yup, Had all of them at one point or another! Anxiety is a vicious cycle and can be tough to break but everything you have mentioned I have had plus many more and I am sure most other people on here will have had them as well. When you wake up in the morning and feel wierd maybe try some positive self talk. Everything is just anxiety, it cant hurt you and you are fine and healthy. Couple of deep breaths and then go about your business. Dont sit around thinking about how bad you feel because trust me that wont help!

02-10-2010, 06:44 PM
Hi, I am 38 yrs old and have had the worst anxiety for the last two weeks. I have had bouts of anxiety before, but nothing like this! I have had all of the symptoms. Couldn't stop my hands from sweating today.

Hoping to feel better as I go on vacation in a couple of days.

Glad I am not alone in this.

02-15-2010, 06:38 PM
yep i get most of them all the time the chest pain sucks the most i just had what i call a mini panic attack for like a minute i couldnt catch my breath and then it was over i think about breathing way to much i always think im not getting enough and yawn to get a deep breath im 19 sufferer for 3yrs started a few months after i lost my pap. was wondering do any of you out there feel like ur on wobbly legs with anxiety when my anxiety kicks in my legs feel like there going to break or something and my feet are numb or tingling.