View Full Version : What triggers YOUR anxiety?

02-02-2010, 11:59 AM
Hey everyone!

I was thinking the other day "If anxiety comes from fear, what are the most common triggers for anxiety and panic attacks?"

What triggers your attacks?

02-02-2010, 12:00 PM
mine is thinking im gonna die...so i get a pain ive neer had before and i think i hae something really wrong.....and now i have constant chest pain cos of it

02-02-2010, 12:05 PM
mine is thinking im gonna die...so i get a pain ive neer had before and i think i hae something really wrong.....and now i have constant chest pain cos of it

That, I think, is one of the most common reasons. Fear of death

02-02-2010, 12:10 PM
i just wish the chest tightness would go away...i wanna be how i was before all this kicked in

02-02-2010, 02:04 PM
While I've been lucky and have not had a full-blown panic/anxiety attack I will say that what disturbs my thoughts and makes me feel anxiety lately is when the thought of another guy, even though it's completely nonromantic, comes into my head. I'm usually a worrier so thoughts are generally ruminating my head a lot. Lately, it's been the same male friend who is popping up, probably because I keep paying attention to it and wonder "well why the hell am I thinking about him? What does this mean? Do I really love my boyfriend then?" It's ridiculous because I absolutely do love my boyfriend. He is amazing. He makes me feel wonderful. But I do have added stress on my life lately, with entering into an international long distance relationship, coming home from being abroad and really resisting it. I wish I was still there and I wish that I wasn't at my current university. I kind of feel trapped. I think that it weighs down on my emotions a lot and sometimes I feel like I just have an inability to feel love or feel affectionate emotions which in then scares the shit out of me when I can't feel for my boyfriend like I normally do. But thoughts that do get my anxiety going are when guys I know pop into my head, when I wonder how I am going to manage to get to Australia to see my boyfriend, and wonder all of the "what-ifs" about the future, etc. I can go from being very relaxed and able to enjoy life and my boyfriend and feel love to the next day be very anxious and questioning everything I was just sure of.

But I am now in counseling, working on daily breathing, relaxation exercises, visualization, the works. This morning it was SO awful but it's tapered off a bit. I actually feel really exhausted and kind of sickish today. I'm not sure if that's the anxiety or if I'm just run down from life or something, I don't know. I could be coming down with something. My body just feels exhausted.

02-03-2010, 12:23 AM
Hi All

Anxiety dose not come from fear . :shock:

It comes from stress which in turn feeds the symptoms of high stress . We dont see the relationship between these symptoms and high stress so we become scared of them . This fear in turn feeds more stress and keeps anxiety going .

If you think about it the fears we feel are nothing more than the way we react to it . IF we were not stressed and could see it more clearly then we would not fear them .

so in order to recover we have to see the symptoms of high stress as that and not feed it any more and we have to work on reducing the stress so we no longer have these symptoms

cheers kev :D

02-03-2010, 12:27 PM
mine is the same as tinkerbell's. fear of dying or dying young im 26

02-03-2010, 02:10 PM
Hi All

Anxiety dose not come from fear . :shock:

It comes from stress which in turn feeds the symptoms of high stress . We dont see the relationship between these symptoms and high stress so we become scared of them . This fear in turn feeds more stress and keeps anxiety going .

If you think about it the fears we feel are nothing more than the way we react to it . IF we were not stressed and could see it more clearly then we would not fear them .

so in order to recover we have to see the symptoms of high stress as that and not feed it any more and we have to work on reducing the stress so we no longer have these symptoms

cheers kev :D

Good point...that's true when you think about it

02-04-2010, 10:04 AM
Caffine triggered most of my Anxiety attacks when i was suffering from this.

02-07-2010, 01:05 PM
Hi All

Anxiety dose not come from fear . :shock:

It comes from stress which in turn feeds the symptoms of high stress . We dont see the relationship between these symptoms and high stress so we become scared of them . This fear in turn feeds more stress and keeps anxiety going .

If you think about it the fears we feel are nothing more than the way we react to it . IF we were not stressed and could see it more clearly then we would not fear them .

so in order to recover we have to see the symptoms of high stress as that and not feed it any more and we have to work on reducing the stress so we no longer have these symptoms

cheers kev :D

yea, this is true, It's so hard to recognize the stress that triggers it though. It immediatly rolls over to the fearful thoughts, and then that's what you think is causeing the anxiety. Wish I could figure out how to detatch the fearfull thoughts. I have been succucessfull for a certain period of time, but it's only a matter of time untill it all comes back.. Struggling right now.

02-18-2010, 04:53 PM
Hi All

Anxiety dose not come from fear . :shock:

It comes from stress which in turn feeds the symptoms of high stress . We dont see the relationship between these symptoms and high stress so we become scared of them . This fear in turn feeds more stress and keeps anxiety going .

If you think about it the fears we feel are nothing more than the way we react to it . IF we were not stressed and could see it more clearly then we would not fear them .

so in order to recover we have to see the symptoms of high stress as that and not feed it any more and we have to work on reducing the stress so we no longer have these symptoms

cheers kev :D

anxiety comes from your flight or fight responses being out of whack, which can include fear.

02-18-2010, 06:42 PM
mine is as some others have said i get a pain somewhere new bam i think its serious like this morning i woke up and both calfs hurt like i never felt before and my anxiety started kicking in right away i thought i have a blood clot my chest was hurting im 19 110lbs my doctor told me 2yrs ago its highly unlikely something is wrong other than my anxiety

02-19-2010, 05:39 PM
I have the same fear. Got worse when I had kids. Now, I know sooo many people with a terminal disease or who have died. I am PETRIFIED>

02-19-2010, 10:08 PM
Mine comes from being alone. When I'm by myself I usually get anxiety. When i'm with ppl, I'm usually fine. Therapist says I have abandonment issues from childhood. Good grief, my Mom really screwed me up (ha-ha)

02-20-2010, 12:24 PM
Any sensations/perceptions concerning the mind or brain that I consider 'abnormal', which some days includes almost everything. I'm mainly afraid of having a stroke, brain tumor, or developing schizophrenia. The last worry is due to me smoking marijuana too many times. My brother did the same and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I have never had a psychotic episode but I am constantly on alert for the first one, so I can catch it early before I permanently loose all contact with reality. I know that my thoughts are irrational and I am trying to get them out of my head but they are intrusive and obsessional.

I now realize that smoking marijuana triggered panic attacks in me. Many of the sensations and perceptions I experienced on it were the result of a panic attack. At the time I thought it was the drug making me temporarily insane. Therefor, when I stopped smoking it and the symptoms persisted I thought that they were the result of insanity. Now I can tell the difference and it's a relief but I still get floods of 'what if' thoughts. I'd love to hear from anyone else who has had anxiety triggered by marijuana use.

02-21-2010, 07:30 AM
I usually have anxiety attacks when I get around a group of people. Even my high school friends, of whom we are only seven people, yet when we're all together, I find it very hard to participate in any of the conversations. When I'm alone with one or two of them, that feeling goes away.

02-21-2010, 07:51 PM
A lot of things trigger my anxiety.

I noticed when I'm around my mom or dad, my anxiety goes way up. They're both raging alcoholics, and when they're drunk, I just have to get away.

Also, thinking triggers my anxiety. Just thinking about life.