View Full Version : crying here

02-02-2010, 07:46 AM
Just need someone to help talk me down. I woke up a little earlier today with anxiety. Yesterday I was doing considerably well with my anxiety, trying breathing techniques and new methods of getting rid of intrusive or unwanted thoughts. I did a relaxation technique last night before bed and I felt pretty good and went to sleep easily and slept well for the most part. I do remember that my intrusive thought made it's way into one dream last night and that pissed me off I guess. I just know that I woke up a few minutes earlier than normal with this horrible feeling of anxiety, the racing heart, the feeling of wanting to cry, and any thing I thought of had an association to my automatic negative thought. It is pissing me off. I just need help calming down because I don't understand it. I did so good yesterday. what gives.

02-02-2010, 08:33 AM

I have had a similar day today. That's why I came on here, I am coming down a bit now, made a list of things to do today to keep me occupied. Also listened to some binaural audio for about 20mins so far.

Try to do something to take your mind off it, make a list of somethings you want to do, remember to take deep breaths, stretch out your muscles(they are probably pretty tense if you had some triggers pop up in your sleep). Take a walk or just step outside for a few mins for a few breaths of air.

Remember that these are just thoughts , not reality and get mad at them...push them or throw them out. They are not worthy of your time or brain space.

Don't be mad at yourself....just get mad at the anxious thoughts.

Perk up.....Enjoy today !

Jen :mrgreen:

02-02-2010, 03:15 PM
In the heart of it all, remember, it passes, it always does..