View Full Version : Need some help with Anxiety

02-01-2010, 08:57 AM
*Sorry in advance for the amount of text*

Im 23 and I have been suffering from anxiety for the last few years. I see myself and a rational person, so it is hard for me when I can't think my way out of the anxiety. I have tried a few meds for it, but none seem to help - atleast not for long.

Im wondering if there is anyone on here that has progressed from depression to severe anxiety. At this point, I dont go out of the house very often and when I do its out of necessity like walking the dog or maybe the once every few weeks to spend some time with family. I dont like to be around people, I do have a few friends but we dont see eachother often because we dont live close. but I like it that way because it gives me control for when I do see them.

My biggest concern now is my husband will be starting a new job soon, and he will be away for weeks at a time. That is not the part I have the issue with, I fear that something will happen to him and no matter how much I tell myself im just worrying for nothing I cannot stop thinking about it. I think about death a lot, most of the time its about my husband, my dog (hes only 3 and very well taken care of) and my mother. If anyone has dealt with this and has been able to control it, I would really appreciate all the help I can get. Thank You

02-03-2010, 10:44 PM
I'm not agoraphobic, but I had horrible anxiety attacks and health and social anxiety and meds helped some but were never the answer for me. I think I was on the raod to becoming agoraphobic as I was afraid to go to more and more places where I had anxiety attacks. The good news is I 'm better now thanks to my cbt group I went through a couple years ago. Try reading the cbt book by Sam Obitz called Been there, Done that? Do This! If you do the exercises in it like the TEA form one they will retrain your brain to eliminate anxiety. It was a struggle to get at first but the benefits have lasted a long time already and I'm not planning on ever going back :D

02-18-2010, 02:42 AM
If anyone is familiar with Sikora out of Atlanta he had an album with a song by Kosheen called "Catch" I cant remember which album/mixtape it was on for the life of me. Any help would be greatly appreciated

02-26-2010, 03:30 PM
*Sorry in advance for the amount of text*

Im 23 and I have been suffering from anxiety for the last few years. I see myself and a rational person, so it is hard for me when I can't think my way out of the anxiety. I have tried a few meds for it, but none seem to help - atleast not for long.

Im wondering if there is anyone on here that has progressed from depression to severe anxiety. At this point, I dont go out of the house very often and when I do its out of necessity like walking the dog or maybe the once every few weeks to spend some time with family. I dont like to be around people, I do have a few friends but we dont see eachother often because we dont live close. but I like it that way because it gives me control for when I do see them.

My biggest concern now is my husband will be starting a new job soon, and he will be away for weeks at a time. That is not the part I have the issue with, I fear that something will happen to him and no matter how much I tell myself im just worrying for nothing I cannot stop thinking about it. I think about death a lot, most of the time its about my husband, my dog (hes only 3 and very well taken care of) and my mother. If anyone has dealt with this and has been able to control it, I would really appreciate all the help I can get. Thank You

You have to interrupt the worry cycle of thoughts! I would echo the advice beachgirl gave you here. CBT and the TEA form exercise are amzing if you get in the habit of using them for a few minutes everyday. They change the way you look at things to be more objective in your thought patterns and your anjxiety starts to melt away :)

02-27-2010, 01:24 PM
Thank You. I was looking for the first book mentioned and im not able to find it, im in Canada and I checked Chapters and I looked on Amazon but again no luck. Does anyone know where I could order a copy?

Also, since I dont have a lot to disctract me, i have been thinking about getting a part time job, extra money would be nice and I think it will be helpful so i dont have to worry so much

03-12-2010, 01:59 PM
Thank You. I was looking for the first book mentioned and im not able to find it, im in Canada and I checked Chapters and I looked on Amazon but again no luck. Does anyone know where I could order a copy?

Also, since I dont have a lot to disctract me, i have been thinking about getting a part time job, extra money would be nice and I think it will be helpful so i dont have to worry so much

You can order the book online at www.tao3.com (http://www.tao3.com) and if you do the TEA forms everyday you will see dramatic changes in how you think and feel in a matter of a few months or so.

I think getting a part time job will help you in a multitude of ways as well :)

03-23-2010, 05:28 PM
I see squirt already advised you and I agree on the part time job also. It's good to keep busy :D

03-30-2010, 03:08 PM
Thank You. I was looking for the first book mentioned and im not able to find it, im in Canada and I checked Chapters and I looked on Amazon but again no luck. Does anyone know where I could order a copy?

Also, since I dont have a lot to disctract me, i have been thinking about getting a part time job, extra money would be nice and I think it will be helpful so i dont have to worry so much

I bought mine through the books on-line website.
I think getting a part time job is a great idea also :D

05-28-2010, 12:00 PM
Thank You. I was looking for the first book mentioned and im not able to find it, im in Canada and I checked Chapters and I looked on Amazon but again no luck. Does anyone know where I could order a copy?

Also, since I dont have a lot to disctract me, i have been thinking about getting a part time job, extra money would be nice and I think it will be helpful so i dont have to worry so much

Did you try the book's website www.tao3.com (http://www.tao3.com) ? The Tea forms really work if you work on them. I think getting a part time job is a really good idea too!

06-13-2010, 11:27 AM
How are you sl87? You never checked back. I hope you got the book and have been benefiting from the TEA forms :)
Let us know how you are doing?

07-16-2010, 04:21 PM
How are you sl87? You never checked back. I hope you got the book and have been benefiting from the TEA forms :)
Let us know how you are doing?

Hey squirt,
I hate it too when people don't come back but hopefully it's because they are just too busy. Always nice to see updates from everyone. I'm doing great and hope you and everyone is too :D

07-28-2010, 06:16 PM
Hey squirt,
I hate it too when people don't come back but hopefully it's because they are just too busy. Always nice to see updates from everyone. I'm doing great and hope you and everyone is too :D

I love your optimistic viewpoint and hope you are correct :mrgreen:

09-05-2010, 12:53 PM
I always like to look at the glass half full now, not so much before I started getting better. I just assume most people that don't come back to post got what they needed here and felt no need to return. I always like hearing updates on how others are doing but understand if they don't come back with any updates.