View Full Version : Is this Anxiety ?

01-31-2010, 04:34 AM

I'm a 40 something year old man and my only symptoms are not being able to concentrate on one thing and getting distracted by many others. Obviously this is a nightmare at work with ringing phones/chat/email.

Does mean I'm very organised, but my work task productivity is low. Also find it very hard to read in those conditions/noisy environments.

01-31-2010, 12:50 PM

I'm a 40 something year old man and my only symptoms are not being able to concentrate on one thing and getting distracted by many others. Obviously this is a nightmare at work with ringing phones/chat/email.

Does mean I'm very organised, but my work task productivity is low. Also find it very hard to read in those conditions/noisy environments.

Have you thought that perhaps you have a form of adult Attention Deficit Disorder? Is this a new development for you, or have you always had trouble concentrating?

Maybe a visit to your family doctor would be a good idea...

Hang in there. ;)