View Full Version : help!

01-31-2010, 03:45 AM
i'm new here and after reading everyones posts yesterday i decided i would type my own,...i lost my dad, mum and brother in 3 years of each other i have now become obsessed that i am dying of one thing or another..i really can seem to relax ever my muscles constantly ache where i am over tensed and i am so worried i have stomach cancer cos all i do is burp and have a sore belly they treated me for acid reflux but i am thinking i havent really got this and its just my mind telling that there is something wrong that really isnt..id like anyone to reply just to let me know if u also suffer with this its sending me crazy oh and also the not being able to take a deep breath what is that all about? i think ive become obsessed with trying to do it which is making it a whle lot worse thanks for listening anyway and sorry to rant on xx :cry: