View Full Version : Question About Buspar

01-30-2010, 02:14 PM
Hello everybody! I have searched through the past posts in the forum about Buspar, and couldn't find any information on what I'm curious about, so I figured I'd post a new thread and ask!

I was diagnosed with GAD about 4 months ago when I started college, although I've always been anxious. For awhile it was manageable.

Recently, the anxiety has just skyrocketed. I'm crying every other night and constantly scared. So I've started seeing a CBT and a psychiatrist.

Now, the psychiatrist wants me to try Buspar because I am TERRIFIED of medication, and she says this is as mild as it gets. Actually, it's taken her 3 different visits to convince me to even CONSIDER it. I'm not afraid of side effects at all. What I AM afraid of is whether or not this medication will make my anxiety worse, either while I'm on it, or more importantly, when I want to come OFF it.

And that bring me to my question, preferably aimed at people with experience on the medication:

When I want to get off of it, is there any chance at all, no matter how slight, that it could permanently make me more anxious? When I say permanently I mean, after I've tapered off of it, will my anxiety eventually go back to normal (how it was before) or is there a chance the medication could change something chemically, causing it to be worse than before?

I am so afraid of medication, so violently against it, but I'm getting to a point where I don't think it could be worse than the anxiety. I just need reassurance that I can always come back and get off of it without consequence in the long run. I only intend to be on it long enough to wean off of caffeine, implement some of my therapy, and get through my semester of college (so like 4-5 months). It's crucial to me that I don't get stuck on it for any reason.

Thank you for any replies/help. It means so much to me!