View Full Version : Fear negative thoughts

01-29-2010, 11:07 AM
ok I'm talking to people something comes up that reminds me of something I feel bad about. My mind tells me "i'm bad" no one is like me, you are different not the same. Because 20 some yrs ago I ate in the bathroom in HS and ate eggrolls for a few weeks cuz i didnt have anyone to sit with. So now I don't eat eggrolls and when someone jus now talked about them my thoughts were very negative towards myself. Is this normal? How can I change? Because I feel this and then want to run from the conversation!

01-29-2010, 04:33 PM
Tell me anything. talk talk talk.


03-11-2010, 07:43 AM
Surround yourself with positive people. One of the simplest tips to help you get rid of negative thoughts is to be with positive people. A positive attitude is contagious and of course, negative thoughts are too. Learn from the positive thinkers and stay away from people who have lots of negativity in them. They will only discourage you, put your down and shake your self-confidence.

Quoted from:

03-22-2010, 03:56 AM
I have suffered because of the same problem. I feel negative of my self in all matter. Later I have undergone the hypnotherapy treatment which helped a lot to change myself from those negative thoughts and increased my self confidence and self control.

03-28-2010, 05:13 PM
What you need to do simply accept the thoughts, AS thoughts, and just thoughts.. The reason why they keep coming back is because you dont want them to, so they come back!

You have to treat them as passing clouds, and what they are, thoughts... You're brain is so tired, so you can not think rationally!

A thought is just a thought! :>

03-31-2010, 07:54 AM

According to me thoughts are uncontrollable but we can control them by ourself only, so let them come and just be relaxed and try to find the answers by your self see, nobody else will help you it is just you to help your self, simply deal with the thoughts just try to divert your mind in something that will not allow negative thoughts to run.


08-05-2010, 09:33 AM
When person suffered by the depression then person can things only about the negative side and not take a part in any activity due to lack of the confidence. As the solution person has start the exercise as the Yoga because it helps to control on the thoughts, stress and hyper tension. Another thing is that keep your mind into the different activities which you likes more.

10-27-2010, 11:49 AM
Negative thoughts is a natural heart, is part of the body's defense mechanisms. When a problem trying to control those thoughts. Allow all thoughts to say what they want.The guilty to when a person is considered to be responsible for all these ideas.

10-27-2010, 07:12 PM
Sounds like your relating whatever you were doing at the time of the negative experience...such as eating egg rolls. So, when someone mentions egg rolls - the whole negative experience comes roaring back and it's like you relive it.

Especially when you're down and depressed, it's much easier to think this way. It's a coping mechanism...if I don't eat egg rolls - then I won't go through that horrible experience again. So, you have to separate the two.
But wait til you're feeling better - and having a good day - and eat half an egg roll. Nothing happens...then eat the other half and focus on the here and now.

So, in a nutshell - you're not crazee to think like this - it's very common.
You just need to re-condition your way of thinking.


10-29-2010, 09:40 AM
In any mental sadness there is require to control on the thoughts. In most of the cases there is possibilities of the stress, worries and depression. So, you should require to start the exercise as Yoga which help to control on the thoughts and increase the concentration power. Another thing is that you should keep mind into the activities which you like most.

10-29-2010, 07:51 PM
Sometimes it takes time, but we all do have the power to control out own thoughts. Sometimes it just takes a bit of practice and persistence.

When you start to feel you thinking snowball into a negative place, just flip-switch to think of something that calms you. Also, seek out a piece of music that makes you feel better, and have your ipod handy when you feel an attack coming on.

I find these things work like a charm. :D

10-30-2010, 12:03 PM
All of you have a great knowledge about it. In my point of view i think that If you have a lot of negative thoughts and fears, because you have a question, not because you should really have them. You are wrong, even if the conditions of your life is horrible, you have to be a superhero to go.

12-05-2010, 10:17 PM
I think that maybe you just associate egg rolls with being alone in high school, which can be normal for some people. I remember when I was in high school, I used to walk with my head down while fidgeting with a hanky in my pocket because I was so self-conscious. From graduation until now, i only carry my hanky in my bag because when I put it in my pocket, I start to feel bad and fidget with it again. What you could try is to face your fears: eat egg rolls. I know it sounds weird but I think that it's the only way you can wean yourself from this feeling. As for changing yourself, why not try approaching someone at lunch instead of waiting for them to approach you? You could ask them for change for a dollar for the vending machine, and extra napkin, anything to get the ball rolling. Good luck!

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03-19-2011, 01:17 AM
some thoughts which may be good or bad will be engraved in our mind.... when some incidents related to that happens.. you keep remembering about that, so no need to worry about that thoughts and make sure that you were not kept reminded about that very often and also to very unusual circumstances.

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