View Full Version : Feeling at breaking point. Advice/help most welcome

01-29-2010, 07:24 AM
Hello, this is my first post on the forum. I'm looking for some help and advice with a big anxiety problem i've been having. The pain/fear/anxiety is really having a horrible impact on my life right now. My doctor had given me citalopram 20mg about 2 months ago, however i was quite against the idea of taking them after reading stuff online about the drug. But yesterday, after feeling so on edge like i'm totally losing control of myself, I decided to start taking them..

My anxiety is caused by being in a relationship with a girl, every relationship i've ever had has been ended by this anxiety, driving me to the point of having to cut all ties with the person. The feeling of pain and loss of control my life is very strong and makes me feel powerless and empty. For the last few months i've been seeing a psychologist trying to get an understanding of the problem but so far have not really got anywhere. Does anyone believe the citalopram will help with this? Or any suggestions of anything that might?

I've been seeing a girl i have close feeling for since September, after being in the background for the most part, my anxiety really kicked in hard on Monday, the anxiety feelings want me to cut ties with the girl, i've not spoken to her since Monday, the anxiety is ripping me apart. :(

01-29-2010, 04:30 PM
Dear Sir/Madam,

You have found the right place. Loads of people here suffer from anxiety and some people who have battled through it want to offer some words of advice, like myself.

Brain chemistry controls your mind; your mind controls your brain chemistry -- this is what gives rise to that loosing control feeling: erratic, all over the place thinking.

Firstly, you don't even have to believe this trend of anxiety with your relationships can end, all you have to do is know it can -- we have to find how to change your mind's perception of the causative factor of the anxiety. Any ideas of past events or perceptions of your life that might link these thoughts/feelings to your relationship?

Medication can tackle the "brain chemistry affecting the mind" side of things, but the real key here is KNOWING that your mind will affect your brain chemistry forever. so let's tackle it from your mind's affect on things.

When is the last time you got angry? If you are sick to your core of anxiety messing up what you want with a girl and your relationship, you've got to get mad. You've got to fire-up some anger that's been sat on by the fear that comes with anxiety, and thrash the living day lights out of it.

If you want your mind back, you've got to go get it back -- it's hand in hand with some medication/nourishment.
