View Full Version : stupid doctors!!!

01-28-2010, 12:41 PM
i recently went to see my doctor for anxiety/panic attacks....he prescribed me xanax at 1st but i decided i needed something to take on a daily basis..so i went back, and he gave me paxil...well after reading all the nasty side effects that it can cause i decided against taking it and called him for alternatives...(i know all anti-anxiety medications have side effects, but paxil seemed to be the worst)..he then gave me wellbutrin, (300 mgs/day) now after doing some more research, im finding out that it is more of a depression drug than an anxiety medication...(i have no signs of depression)..and in fact could make your anxiety even worse..(some people compare it to drinking 3 pots of coffee in the morning)...is my doctor just out of touch?...or can it help for anxiety?...or (which im starting to believe)..am i crazy???!!!!!...lol....any help or experiences are appreciated

01-28-2010, 08:42 PM
Hi Pronto

A lot of medication targeted for depression has proved positive in a lot of people for anxiety

zoloft is a drug for depression but is also found to work well in some people with anxiety

i dont think your doctor is treating you for depression but more using a drug made for depression that also works for anxiety

01-28-2010, 10:03 PM
this is day 4 on the medication (starting at 150 mgs in the morning) and i can see how it would work great for people that are depressed and have a hard time focusing through the entire day, but holy cow it seems to work like speed....not too sure that someone that has been dealing with anxious and jittery feelings would like MORE of an "upper" to really get your heart pounding!!...my biggest problem i have (not even quite sure if its anxiety or adhd) is sitting still...i have lost all patience, sitting in meetings for work, long car rides and getting haircuts drive me bonkers, (feel like I HAVE to get up and get the hell out!)...so by taking this med i can only imagine that it would make things even worse!!

again i know im very early into the medication, and i dont want to give up hope, just VERY new to the whole anxiety thing and not really sure what to expect!