View Full Version : new to this forum and need help!!

03-16-2006, 05:35 PM
i am new to this forum and have been suffering from anxiety since i was around 11 ( i am 20 now) and am on medication (avanza 30mg) and valium (only when required) and still seem to get anxiety on a daily basis, im thinking should i up my dose or see the doc to see if he can put me on something else that might help.. does anyone have any suggestions??? the last few years i have turned to alcohol because it seemed to help with the anxiety while i was drunk but had bad anxiety the next day..so should i start from the start??

well i first experienced anxiety at a young age, and i also experimented with marijuana which brought the anxiety on because i use to "trip out" bad while on it i started smoking it at age 12 and gave up at age 14 thats when i started drinking, when i was younger i use to worry that i might get cancer or a deases just from watching a movie or show which showed someone with a dease now my anxiety attacks come on when i get a hangova from drinking or when im around people i think i also suffer from social anxiety because when im around people i dont know i get very nervous and light headed, also i sometimes worry someone may have put something in my drink which gives me anxiety also i worry that i may have a heart attack for no reason (i am slightly overweight though) also i get these weird thoughts what i thought was depression but i was told by a pychitrtist (sorry about the spelling) that it wasn't ..the other feelings i get are like hopelessness, and i also feel different to other people like do we all think the same do we all act the same etc... im also confused alot of the time i dont know what i wanna do in life but the pshycitrist told me im self centred, also i cant travel i have a kinda fear when i travel like i feel insecure when i travel and i keep thinking if i leave home its gonna bring on the anxiety...or when i get to where im going i think i feel weird here i need to go or get out of here and head home but i am fine when im just walkin around my own town sometimes the anxiety comes on for no reason, sometimes i may think of something and it may worry me

and i also get a weird feeling in my guts like butterflies which feels like im outkasted or different, like a guilty type feeling for no reason does anyone know what this means???

any help would be good thanx