View Full Version : NeuroMax

01-28-2010, 10:18 AM
I've been suffering for a couple of months from panic attacks and some sort of generalized anxiety and i used to read hope and help for your nerves by dr claire weekes and panic away program and they reduced my anxiety a bit so i decided to try to add medications and my dr prescribed Buspar as well as NeuroMax but i dont like buspar due to its side effects taking into consideration that i feel my anxiety is a mild one which doesnt outweigh the side effects of buspar so i wanna ask if neuromax alone along with the tips of panic away can be enough or not?

01-30-2010, 12:53 AM
Hi drmb

I have to ask What else have you done ??

I know you read a few books. Anxiety is high stress nothing more , yes there is plenty of other things that are happening but they are all caused by underlying high stress .
You need to work on reducing that stress on a whole and that it not only by changing the way you think overall , but also the way you react to high stress itself . Many other things play into it also such as diet , smoking , drinking , coffee , being around people that upset you.

You need to remove all stress from your life while your body learns to settle back down , yes there will be stress and you should face that but you should also use tools to reduce your stress .

Many may disagree but drugs are not the answer , they are part of the problem . I am yet to hear of anyone that is past anxiety on drugs along , to get past anxiety you have to put alot of work into doing it but it is worth it in the end

cheers and good luck kev