View Full Version : Me

01-28-2010, 04:23 AM
I have suffered from social anxiety for as long as I can remember. I am now 37. All social situations caused anxiety to the point of extreme sickness and needing to use the restroom each time the attack occured. One unusual cause of anxiety for me is fearing that I'll need a restroom and not be able to find one or reach one in time. I was always much to embarraced to mention this to anyone. I just lived my life in fear. This trigger became almost debillitating to the point where I finally sought treatment about 18 months ago. I started with paxil for the first 17 months. I decided that I didn't need it anymore one day and quit cold turkey...huge mistake. At that point I was given Ativan. Currently I have been switched to effexor...the paxil didn't seem to work as well after my little experiment. Sorry if I've rambled...never been to a forum such as this before and I'm not really sure what to say...forgive me.

01-28-2010, 04:58 PM

Feel free to ramble away. Its all good!

I havent had the bathroom thing myself but I do know of a few people that had it to the point where they wouldnt leave the house. Cant comment too much on the meds because I dont use any of them but anyway, point is, your never alone!

01-29-2010, 06:20 PM
Dear xhuck1,

Don’t apologise! We on here totally understand the fear that can come from thinking of going to the toilet, and anything for that matter.
Try associating something with going to the toilet. Get a ping-pong ball, and put it down your toilet. It will never flush but every time you go, you will see it. Now take a ping-pong ball out with you whenever you go out. If you have to go, you will just throw it into the toilet you go to.

You personally, will be aware you are associating your ping-pong ball with your toilet at home, but that is the key -- you are fully aware your association of fear with going to the toilet out, is exactly the same as a silly ping-pong association with your home toilet. You control the association mechanism.

Please tell us more anytime,
