View Full Version : One of those days

01-26-2010, 01:54 PM
Do you ever have one of those days where you feel on edge but can't necessarily identify what you are even worrying about?

I have been having one of those today, either I can't identify or everything is bothering me. Not sure which just feeling crazy hyper paranoid about something, cranky,tired, head achy, listless and generally agitated.

I hate these days ...... :(

01-26-2010, 07:58 PM
Do you ever have one of those days where you feel on edge but can't necessarily identify what you are even worrying about?

I have been having one of those today, either I can't identify or everything is bothering me. Not sure which just feeling crazy hyper paranoid about something, cranky,tired, head achy, listless and generally agitated.

I hate these days ...... :(

I know what you mean 100%! I have days where there is nothing really worrying me but I just feel really edgy and stressed but with no trigger and for no reason. Sometimes I worry myself that its a feeling that something bad was going to happen!

01-28-2010, 07:03 AM
No, Jenny, but I know anxiety can not come from no where. If you need help do not delay and seek professional counseling.

01-28-2010, 07:27 AM

Thanks...I do have professional counseling, unfortunately I still have bad days, but I do have a lot of good days too.

I think on the bad days expressing what I am feeling and not letting it ruminate helps a lot. Also knowing that there are other people who can relate to those bad or down moments allows me to know that I am not alone.

I have seeing my psychologist for close to 2 years and have made big strides in my treatment.


Jen :)

01-28-2010, 03:43 PM
No, Jenny, but I know anxiety can not come from no where. If you need help do not delay and seek professional counseling.

Actually I disagree, if you are person with anxious traits you can just feel on edge for no reason at all or even something soooo minor that you dont even realise it so it essentially does come out of nowhere!

01-29-2010, 08:28 AM
My thoughts too,

If we didn't have a unrealistic response to worry or anxious traits than there we wouldn't have a problem with anxiety. The fact is everyone has anxiety at some point in time, but unfortunately with an anxiety disorder your body and mind does not react as a"normal body and mind does"

I generally cope well people who do not know that I have an anxiety disorder would never know that I suffer from this. It's times when I am alone, have something happen , have to deal with medical issues etc. that it becomes most apparent. There are days here and there though that I feel on edge for no reason at all. I think having inadequate rest and a busy schedule really takes it's toll on me. I also seem to get worse mid-afternoon -evening.

It gets harder at home too because people are so tired of hearing the "what-if's" and "I am just worried because". Those two statements are in my vocabulary so much that I myself are sick of hearing them lol.

I am trying to really get a grasp on this each day is a step. I still have days -sometimes multiple days of excessive worry but I am coping better and moving forward.

I am glad I found this forum and people who are able to relate to this because my family is not able to understand or help me through this.

At least now I have some optimism that I can get better with a little help and support.