View Full Version : ok, ive decided it must be anxiety!

01-25-2010, 10:18 AM
now moving forward....i was prescribed 20 mg paxil/daily for anxiety/panic disorder...however after doing more research about the drug, the side effects scare the heck outta me (especially the weight gain) and cant get myself to take them...my question is, whats a good alternative to paxil?...something that works great for generalized anxiety/panic attacks that can be taken on a daily basis?.....

ps...i know all the medications have side effects, but after doing research online it sure seems that paxil seems to be the worst!....any help would be appreciated!

01-25-2010, 11:01 AM
I can't offer any answers to your question but BINAURAL AUDIO, when listened to through headphones, can entrain brain-waves and restore chemical inbalances in the brain. It hepled me so much in my critical time of need. You can download it free off the internet.

Hope this helps.


01-25-2010, 04:28 PM
ive tried everything from calming music to exercise to breathing techniques and nothings worked...just think my brain need some time to "heal itself" without the daily anxiety....something to take the edge off...some people are against medications, i am NOT one of them...just need some advice on some medications for an alternative to paxil...thanks for your reply!

01-25-2010, 05:42 PM
Although I don't like ANY anxiety meds, I still think Paxil is a standout among the rest in terms of just how bad it is. Perhaps the WORST thing about Paxil is its addictive qualities. Basically, ALL anxiety medications produce some degree of dependency among some users. But Paxil is particularly bad in this department (Effexor is another bad one when it comes to addiction). Paxil also seems to be particularly heavy on side effects for MANY people, especially drowsiness/lethargy. So I think this is one you should probably stay away from.

As far as which you should take, it's hard to say. Everybody reacts differently to depression/anxiety medications. So there is no way of knowing how you will be affected. Anyway, although other medications may have less of a tendency to cause side effects than Paxil, they can still cause some of the same side effects. For instance, all other SSRI/SNRI antidepressants have weight gain, loss of sexual desire, and drowsiness/lethargy as fairly common side effects. And all antianxiety medications carry some risk of physical dependency. The only antianxiety medication that I know of that does NOT have these possible side effects is Wellbutrin. But there is no way of knowing how it will affect you.

01-25-2010, 09:48 PM
ps...i know all the medications have side effects, but after doing research online it sure seems that paxil seems to be the worst!....any help would be appreciated!

I'm sure your doc had a reason for giving you Paxil.

I like Citalopram best.

If you are uneasy about taking it, you should try to take halfs or 1/4 pill.

If you have GAD and have never taken meds before, you will see how life changing they are in a good way.

01-26-2010, 12:25 AM
paxil was prescribed by a doctor that ive only seen twice in my life..the 1st visit consisted of, "i think youre having anxiety, heres some xnanax...have a nice day!"......which kinda makes me nervous, considering i told him i didnt want xanax to begin with, and that i wanted something more long term (during the 2nd visit), and without questioning my symptoms hes writing a prescription for paxil...and like i said above, after getting home and doing more research of the drug...i found that paxil seemed to be the WORST of them all (from what i learned)....

i realize that ALL anti-anxiety/depression pills will have side effects, im just looking for one that doesnt seem to be the top of every "dont use" list on every forum ive ever read online....

thanks for the reply guys!

01-26-2010, 12:31 AM
i guess the symptom the absolutely bothers me the most is the inability to sit still for periods of time without feeling like im gonna faint or get the hell outta there!...(haircuts and work meetings are the worst)....ive never had the rapid heartbeat or alot of the other symptoms you hear about....etc.....that and the fatigue...(takes alot out of you trying not to faint all day!!)...

so, something that takes the edge off and gives you a little energy without all the side effects...(is that asking too much?)...lol....i know, sounds to good to be true...