View Full Version : internal homophobia..anyone heard about it?
01-24-2010, 04:05 PM
I'm concerned that I have internal homophobia...i always new that I MIGHT be bisexual and never had a problem with that..but however, i never tried anytihng physical with a girl but only emotions and of course fantisies...BUT recently and due to bad experience, it became an obbsession, and everytime I have to meet new females, I freak out...i just can't deal with my extreme anxiety if first I knew ita a good looking female, and second If i know she's bi or gay..OMG I panic like hell...and the fear controls my whole body..and it shows that i'm scared...ahhh I just want to know Am i the only one in this world who has anxiety due to this issue?
PS. I have other anxiety disorders...but this is taking a huge part of my daily energy!! :o
Please tell me I'm not alone ... :unsure:
01-24-2010, 11:02 PM
ahhh I just want to know Am i the only one in this world who has anxiety due to this issue?
Please tell me I'm not alone ... :unsure:
This is classic OCD.
There is a lot of discussion on these topics at an OCD forum in the UK.
Trust me there are dozens there with stories exactly like yours. If there are more taboo things that might be bothering you, it's open game over on that forum. It specializes in OCD and all the emberassing things that come with it.
There is no quick and easy fix for these things except to not practice avoidance. Hang around attractive women and admit they are attractive. Don't let the OCD control you or fear something that doesn't need to be feared.
This does not sound like OCD to me, a disorder which is more than obsessive thinking - it also involves ritualistic behaviors or 'mental' rituals (compulsions) that a person goes through to lessen anxiety or prevent something imagined from happening.
I'd recommend going to see a therapist though to try and sort out exactly what the source of the anxiety is, what is triggering it, etc. In the meantime, you could try some online anxiety disorder 'screening' tests - but remember these aren't exactly accurate.
*edit: woke up from a nap and wasn't even thinking clearly.
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