View Full Version : My Story

01-24-2010, 12:08 AM
I guess it all started during my Mothers bout with Colon Cancer. I was always an extremly strong person, able to deal with intense stressful situations with ease and calculation and I thought I was doing a good job dealing with my mothers fight with cancer. She took a turn for the worst and the doctors said she had a limited time to live. Extreme Chemo therepy was her only hope. I was coping well. Then it happened. My very first anxiety attack. I got up feeling great this particular morning. I got into the shower, the same thing I did every day, exactly the same time. I couldnt catch my breath Why couldnt I breath? What was wrong with my lungs? I went for a jog to test out my lungs, and I ran so fast my GF couldnt keep up with me. I still couldnt catch my breath. I didnt even feel anxious, I just couldnt breath. I toughed it out for a couple days until my gf made me go to the ER. They couldnt find anything wrong with my. EKG, Lung X-rays. They couldnt find anything. They said I had anxiety. How crazy that sounded to me then. I DONT HAVE ANXIETY I JUST COULDNT CATCH MY BREATH I was so mad they wouldnt help me. I went to an urgent care the next day to get a second opinion. Nothing wrong again. Just anxiety. Why did they keep saying that. This time I got Larazepam or whatever to take when I started feeling anxious. I went and got a family doctor and suggest and ULCER to the doctor after researching some common causes of shortness of breath online. I told him i wanted to have a test for H-Pylori bacteria. Sure enough I had it, and they said I had an ulcer to. I was to take 2 antibiotics twice a day and Prilosec. the next month was unbearable. I couldnt breath for the entire month. I had reoccuring panic attacks every day and the chest pain was so unbearable. And then it happened. She died. My Mother died of colon cancer. The only thing I can remember her saying is "I don't want to die, Im so scared Shaun" Then she listed off exactly how the cancer was going to kill her by attacking her liver, then her lungs, then her heart. That broke my heart. A month after that conversation, exactly that happened.
I thought I was so strong. I cried of course for the first day, I didnt go back to work because I had quit 2 days before she died to be with her in the hospital. I took some time off then I got another job and moved on.
Eventually the symptoms of the ulcer bled off and I was again able to live a normal life. I got a new job and was going very well.

01-24-2010, 12:54 AM
I am out of time for tonight, I will continue tomarrow. Thanks for reading.