View Full Version : Cant leave the house. Please help

01-22-2010, 03:43 PM
Hi i would really like to hear what people have to say about this. Its about my sister.
She is 21 and has only left the house to go to family events which she has to go to and to go buy a cd at the mall and come home. This has been going on for about 5 years now. She has not ONE friend and has a bad attitude when someone wants to talk to her about this. We have tried everything. She wont go to the doctor and wont talk to a counselor on the phone. When i announced that i was getting married she told me just to go away and get married, later to find out she only said that so she didn't have to be in the wedding party. she was sick up until the wedding but when the wedding was over she said she actually had a great time.
She wont get a job and when she says she's looking for one she will just wonder the streets. She wont talk to anyone about this and get so mad when someone brings it up.
Please help. i need any advice
thanks alot

01-25-2010, 10:34 AM
I can only offer some advice that helped me in my critical time of need. download her, for free, BINAURAL AUDIO. Make her listen to it as much as possible (through headphones only!).

That's all I've got. I think you'll find a way to help her, when she accepts help.

I hope this may have helped.


07-02-2010, 04:58 PM
Unfortunatly, Only she can help herself. No amount of going to the doctors, therapists or medication will work unless she motivates and fights this for herself.

I do not know the reason for why she does not want to talk about it and I understand that it must be very frustrating for you. Maybe over time she will come to realise that this is something she can overcome, there are plenty of techniques and things that can help her along the way.

I hope this helped in someway and I wish you and your sister good luck :)

09-10-2010, 06:24 PM
shirley jacksons novel "We Have Always Lived in the Castle" is said to be an homage to agoraphobia, from which the author suffered. After reading that book by chance, while locked in my apartment, I realized that I needed to do something. My new rule is no more than one day inside, unless something bad happens then I allow myself two. Get your sister to read that book.

01-17-2011, 01:19 PM
Hi there. I'm sorry to hear about your sisters situation. Unfortunately until she admits she has a problem she won't be bble to get help. I had a similar problem about 6 years ago. It came over me all of a sudden when I was out Shoppin one day. I felt so nervous and shaky and felt I was in danger which made me feel so scared yet so silly ah I koex noone was goin to harm me but I just could not control the feeling. I was off work for three months while the doctor did numerous tests to see if it was physical condition. Eventually they diagnosed it anxiety. They prescribed me tablets called cipralex which after a month took effect and I felt normal again. It was such a relief. I have been off the tablets for 3 years but unfortunately the symptoms came back last wk. but thankfully I know which medication will work for me. It's a very scary feeling and I really feel for your sister. Is there noone she is close to who could maybe maybe try and talk to her and maybe let her know there are other people out here who have similar fears and have conquered them wit time. I Wish you and your sister all the best and hope she can get the help she needs. Good luck