View Full Version : Friends coming on friday

03-13-2006, 12:20 PM
Hey every1

This friday ive got friends coming to stay at my hous. 3 of them, 2 ive not seen in 6 months. We are going to go out friday night and probably saturday as well. THen they will leave on sunday. I wish i hadnt organised it now, Im really worried that ill have serious anxiety and wont be able to go out. Then these friends will see me at my worst and might not like wot they see. I cant really get out of it, and there is a part of me that thinks i can get thru it fine. Ive had 1 of these friends stay at mine twice and its been OK. Its just that having so many and as Im the HOST i feel pressure to go out with them and really cant have the anxiety

I dunno wot to do :(


03-13-2006, 01:33 PM
hey man thats awesome u have to look at it like i got 3 good friends that i trust and i'm gonna have a great time just think if you didn't go you'd sit home and be pissed whats the worst u feel some anxiety for a lil while then it fades and at the end of the night you'll be laughing and joking and you'll go to sleep that night proud that u actually did it man go for it have a great time

03-14-2006, 10:53 AM
thanks leftie, those comments have actually made me smile as there is truth to them.

Ill try my best not to go out of control in the build up to them coming :S

03-14-2006, 01:26 PM
hey anticpating anxiety is the worst but all it is crap i know u knowthat it sucks but like today ichallengemy anxety to messwith me because i know it can't beat i accept the challenge it brings this shit ain't got me i have it but good luck try not beat yourself up to bad lifes about having good times with good people have an awesome time take it easy

03-15-2006, 06:41 AM
Hey, I would plan what to do each day, but have a couple of options, so if you're going out on the friday, have an option to have a big nght out or one to just have some drinks at a local. You can always make some excuse to not have a big night out, headaches are always good. The best thing to do is be honest, tell them you're anxious, I do this and people are really good. They either help you calm down a bit, saying everythings ok and theyll look after you, or they confess to anxiety as well. It's amazing how many people have mild anxiety and they know a bit of what you're feeling. Also, don't feel you have to go out for both the nights, make it one night you go out and the other stay in, get a takeaway and watch a film or play poker or whatever. So even if you don't feel up to going out on the friday it's not the end of the world. Whatever you do, dont cancel, that will just make you feel 100x worse. Once theyve been there a little while the anxiety will fade, and you will relax. And if you start to get worked up, make a decision to opt out of anxiety, take slow, deep breaths for a while and give yourself the option to go outside for a minute and then return. Don't allow it to escalate.

Sorry for rambling on, I've just missed too many nights out and stuff through anxiety. It sucks.

Hope some that helps

03-15-2006, 09:35 AM
thanks cathy thats great advice

Im going thru with it, and what happens happens. I am sure Ill be fine after they arrive!

03-17-2006, 09:29 AM
well today is the day. Im expecting my friends any minute, tbh im not very nervous, it is there but not as severe as I had expected.

I hope that I can enjoy this weekend, anticipation is such a annoying thing for us people to deal with. I keep sayin "i wish i could go forward in time 24 hours and skip all this" But my time machine is still notworking so Im gonna have to deal with it the old fashioned way. Determination and will power...wish me luck, ill let you know how i get on.


Oh and Happy St,Patricks Day every1

03-19-2006, 04:52 AM
Ok its Sunday, I've had a great weekend. My friends came and for the first hour i was pretty nervous, but nobody could notice. Its so fucking annoying that I spent more than a week anticipating the worst, and then when it comes I have a great time.

Why doesnt my MIND REMEMBER this, and next time spare me a week of bullshit, and jsts let me get on with and enjoy my life?

cos that would just be too easy i guess!!!!!!!!!