View Full Version : Some recent problems I've been dealing with

01-21-2010, 11:27 AM
I have been living with GAD for about 4 years now and I have my ups and downs as everyone does. For about the past 6 months I have been having some bad indigestion, frequently gassy and just an overall discomfort in my chest and stomach after eating things that don't agree with me, occasional heartburn. I've been to a specialist and found out through an ultra sound test that I have over a dozen gallstones and that he prefers me to get surgery to have my gallbladder removed. (oh joy! ;) )

I'll skip all the boring parts and get down to my question. I know having GAD there's a whole boat load of symptoms but the past 2 days I've been in a not so favorable state. Yesterday evening after eating dinner (Pork chops and potatoes) I had some nasty heartburn and right at that moment my anxiety went into overdrive. I was wigging out thinking I was having a heart attack, feeling really jittery and I had no Xanax left so I had to let this panic episode take it's course. Once it all subsided my knees started feeling sore and down into my calves. Took me a while to get to sleep last night because of the the soreness.

I woke up this morning and I felt rather decent and I went on to work. Lunch time rolls around and I'm headed out to grab some food. I start to feel anxious again, by the time I make it to McDonalds I start to feel this trembling throughout my body and my heart starts to race. I get inside and I had to go directly for the bathroom to calm myself down. By this time my legs were shaking so bad I thought they were going to give way. Now the knee pain has returned.

Whenever I have panic episodes I always like to check with other people to see if atleast that's what it was and not something major because I worry like that :roll:

So my question is, has anyone ever experienced things like this being in the same condition?

Also thanks for taking the time to read this and I'm glad to be here and hope to become a frequent user of the forums to help and get help anyway I can. :D