View Full Version : Repressing anxiety

01-21-2010, 02:07 AM
Recently, I've been in the habit of repressing my anxiety. If I feel it welling up, I just kind of ignore it and try to block it out of my mind. The thing is, it works in one way, and kind of doesn't work in another. It works because I soon forget about the anxiety, get back in my non-anxious groove and things are ok again. It doesn't work because I can feel it pushing to other areas of the body - it seems to cause me headaches and chest tension. And of course according to typical psychotherapy it is not good to repress bad feelings as a long term strategy.

Does anyone else deal with their anxiety by repressing it? And were the results god or bad?

01-25-2010, 04:19 AM
Ok as an update, I don't get the feeling that this is something I should continue as a permanent strategy - it's already taking its toll on my body. Good weapon to have in the arsenal, though.