View Full Version : Hi To All - New Member

01-20-2010, 07:27 PM
Just wanted to say hi as I recently stumbled upon this site and thought that chatting with others like me would probably help. I have been experiencing severe anxiety issues for about 6 months now, but also had anxiety/depression issues while a young teen (I am now 27). It seemed to really hit me at a very stressful period of my life (surprise surprise). It all started after a bad relationship break-up, which caused financial and living issues, mixed on top of our family business doing poorly during these just horrid economic times.
My anxiety hits me hard and is usually attached to medical issues, almost border lining on adding hypochondria to my bad anxiety. Most of the time, I experience my anxiety in my stomach, and have had about every stomach symptom you could imagine. It landed me in the ER twice in two weeks, and each time they couldn't find much wrong with me. The first time I had a slightly elevated lipase level, and the doc said it could have been very mild pancreatitis. But the second time all levels where normal and another doc said it was just gastritis caused by anxiety. I followed up with my primary care physician who is pretty good and she agreed with anxiety, and diagnosed me with GAD, has since prescribed me Xanax, which I am taking 3 daily doses of .5mg each. It has pretty much been a lifesaver, though I have become slightly worried as of late due to knowing it is only intended as a short term thing and it doesn't seem to last quite as long as it did when I first started taking it.
Since then, because of my anxiety, I have lost my job and insurance. I have been granted county aid for the time being, and have an appointment with a clinic for Friday. I have also started the enrollment process for psych counseling through our local university.
Well, sorry for the novel! Hope you are all having calm days today!