View Full Version : Which is the best form of therapy?

01-20-2010, 09:34 AM
I've read that CBT is the best form of therapy for anxiety. Has anyone tried it and if so did it help? Has anyone tried any of the others?


01-26-2010, 11:32 PM
Yes CBT is very effective and it is the first line for cure when it come to anxiety and depression. Unlike pharmacology which can cause side effects and withdrawal problems, CBT is proven to be highly effective in the long term for the patients who apply it properly.

Patients who are having difficulties to stop medications can also benefit from CBT. To over overcome withdrawals, combined therapy for 2 to 4 weeksy will work until completely out of medication. But CBT should be continued long term for total cure.

Please feel free to write me if you are interested in this line of therapy.


01-27-2010, 02:43 PM
Compliment any therapy of the mind with nourishment of the brain, unless you already eat fresh whole foods and have a good diet.
If, however, you eat reasonably poor, it might be a good idea to nourish your brain chemistry with omega 3, and maybe some protein rich foods or supplements, for your neurotransmitters.

Also if you struggle to keep up a decent diet, I’m guilty of that myself, then in this vital time of nourishment for your brain and body, it would probably be a great benefit to take organic/foodstate multi vitamins/mineral (not supermarket synthetic vitamins). Hope any of this helps?

02-03-2010, 10:50 PM
CBT is said to be and worked wonders for all of my severe anxiety problems. It's hard at first but once you get the hang of countering your thoughts in the TEA forms you'll make progress faster than you ever imagined possible :D

02-08-2010, 04:47 AM
Have to agree i have been suffering badly since october of last year and have started therapy 3 weeks ago and have noticed a massive improvement already.

02-08-2010, 05:47 AM
Have to agree i have been suffering badly since october of last year and have started therapy 3 weeks ago and have noticed a massive improvement already.

Which type are you trying? Are you paying for it yourself? Thanks

02-11-2010, 08:48 PM
Have to agree i have been suffering badly since october of last year and have started therapy 3 weeks ago and have noticed a massive improvement already.

Good for you Simon :D I can tell you from my experience it will get better and better if you keep at it :goodjob:

02-11-2010, 08:51 PM
Have to agree i have been suffering badly since october of last year and have started therapy 3 weeks ago and have noticed a massive improvement already.

Which type are you trying? Are you paying for it yourself? Thanks

elgrande or shall I say the big :tongue:
If money is an issue read the CBT book called Been there, Done That? Do This! by Sam Obitz and start using the TEA form exercise in it everyday and you will feel better sooner than you thought possible I think :)