View Full Version : Some anxiety questions

01-19-2010, 06:39 PM
Sometimes when I'm expereincing anxiety I feel restless and I feel like I have to press the middle of my chest to relieve discomfort. Do people here expereince that?

Also, if I don't feel my heart racing, is it safe to assume ot's going at it's normal rate?


01-19-2010, 08:23 PM
Sometimes when I'm expereincing anxiety I feel restless and I feel like I have to press the middle of my chest to relieve discomfort. Do people here expereince that?

Also, if I don't feel my heart racing, is it safe to assume ot's going at it's normal rate?


I think the pressing of the middle of your chest is just a self comforting thing as physiologically it wouldnt make any difference but if it makes your feel better then go for it!

If you dont feel your heart racing then its just going along normally, even if it is racing there is no problem at all, its just a normal reaction and nothing bad will come of it. :)

01-19-2010, 09:41 PM

Usually I feel this way when I take certain medications, and I feel strange and I wonder if my heart rate is ok because i feel so restless and figitty.

01-19-2010, 09:50 PM

Usually I feel this way when I take certain medications, and I feel strange and I wonder if my heart rate is ok because i feel so restless and figitty.

Yeah some meds can do that to you as well. I feel restless and fidgitty a bit as well sometimes even if I am not really anxious about much of anything. Its not really heart related, more of like a nervous energy.

01-20-2010, 03:18 PM
Hiya, for some strange reason i found myself doing the same, if i was uncomfortable in my chest id press my thumb in the middle of me chest, knew it would do nothing but kept getting urge to do it. i think its just like what phoenix said, it was a comfort thing.