View Full Version : i sufferd the worst depersonalization feeling eva last night

01-16-2010, 06:59 AM
Ok so i went out with a few friends and felt fine and happy.. at around midnight my boyfriend came to pick me up and we went home and i was still feeling fine and went to bed. 6.30 in the morning i woke up and started shouting im gonna die as i had the feeling my body was shuttin down as i couldnt take nomore of these feelings.. i felt as if i wasnt real and i never new where i was, after 5 mins my boyfriend calmed me down and i manage to get bk to sleep, im just really scard today im guna have another. Ive sufferd with this for 10 years.

01-17-2010, 08:09 AM
I understand you friend. Depersonalization! Now that's a perfect description. You are not alone! I feel for you.

*edit by Moderator: removed spam

Peace everyone
Hope to see you soon
Alski K