View Full Version : idk what to do

01-11-2010, 10:49 PM
So i've been anxious for majority of my life. Recently I made a decision to have a baby with a woman that doesn't love me only uses me. At the time I was changing drugs seemed like everyday. It was a bad decision. My family hates me, she took my babygirl and left. Idk what to do besides resort to drugs. I've always had anger issues because the faulty life I grew up with. Parents fighting/ abusing. I felt like no one ever loved me. Everytime I got in an argument with this girl no one ever takes my side. I feel so useless. I may never see my daughter again and i'm heartbroken. I know its best for the girl to leave, but I miss my daughter. I was recently laid off and am not collecting any money. I can't get a job because I have no education. I'm worried I might go lay in a cold field an hope to die. i'm hurting and i have no one to talk to. I understand if you want to make fun and be judgemental, its nothing new..

01-12-2010, 08:19 PM
A lot of us go through times like this in our lives. The only thing we can do is keep going, although you may have had a baby with someone who you no longer have a relationship with - and things seem very bleak, you can always look at it as an opportunity to start new. You could go back to drugs...or you could start over and be a strong person for your kid. Especially as your baby ages, she will want to have her father in her life. It sounds cheesy but things are ALWAYS darkest before the dawn.