View Full Version : anxiety back

01-10-2010, 06:02 PM
Hi everybody. I'm not new to this site, I haven't written for a long time but my anxiety is back and I feel like I need to write about it!!! I don't know why but sharing thoughts and feelings makes me feel better, I don't feel as lonely w/ this problem, I don't feel insane! Everything seemed to be OK up until I started my new job a few months ago. I graduated in may, passed boards and I was fine. For some reason that new job and new people make my anxiety worse. I think I'm good in what I do but for some reason I always doubt myself and think that I'm doing something wrong. My patients seem to like me, they want to come back and se me again but still... it's my mind that's basically screwing with me. I'm scared, I have chest pains, my hart is going like crazy; when I'm fine I keep thinking that I mght not be fine later, I listen for my heartbeat, I check my pulse, I don't know how to stop being like that. Any suggestions??? Please!!! :?

01-13-2010, 10:16 AM
Hello cda33,

I'm new to the site as well, but wanted to comment on your post. I have a lot of the same issues with big changes in my life. It has affected me ever since I was little.

I just recently found the works of Dr. Claire Weekes. She has a few books and audio programs that are relatively cheap, but priceless in my mind.

She explains exactly what is happening in your body, so that you know that nothing is really wrong. Then she gives a very simple, yet effective way to cope. Take a look at "Hope and help for your nerves" if you are interested.

P.S. I always feel a lot better when I am open with my anxiety too. I started a blog to do just that. Check it out if you like: nervousillness[dot]wordpress[dot]com

01-16-2010, 05:47 PM
Oh your gonna get through this. I can tell. Why?? Because you recognize some of the thoughts that are causing it. You also realize that your looking at your symptoms under a maginifine. What i noticed with myself, is that as you start paying attention to your symptoms they feel worse than they actually are. What you need to do is start to desnsitize from them. You do that by not paying any attention to them, or look at them in a different way. It's not easy and it takes some time but you have to be willing. Your already in the habbit of paying attention to them, your brain knows how to do this, you have to teach your brain how not to pay attention to them. First of all your just under some stress at work doing new things. That's where it's all coming from. If you feel a heart palp, just take a breathe and tell your self it's just steress. The first day you do it your gonna wait 5 minutes, and say it deosn't work. You won't realize how much it works untill the next time it happens, but you have to work just as hard at the first time you expereince as you do with the second time you deal with it, untell your content, or with me, totally went away. Then the scond time it happens take a breathe and say it again, just a little stress, and move on with what your doing. Over time things like that will deminish so much that you can barely feel them.

It's sounds so easy, but you have to beleive. I had to find myself getting a heart palp, and take a breathe, and think to my self, I like anxiety, and then smile. Over time you just put it right behind you... I don't think I have anymore, but then again it's becasue I don't notice. :)

As for your personality, I know how you feel. Try your hardest not to care so muchm, you know your good at what you do, there's proof that your pateints like you. It is your mind screwing with you. Don't worry about things you know you don't have to worry about... Don't be so hard on yourself.

I have had to apply that to my life to, Always care what people think of you, get paranoid that people don't like you, then you wonder why?? None of that stuff matters.... You don't have to be a people pleazer..

01-18-2010, 05:52 PM
Thank you guys, it means a lot!!!!!!!!!!!