View Full Version : moderators

01-09-2010, 07:34 PM
hi, i dont mean to be rude but iv noticed the moderators arent exactly helping with ppls problems its all down to existing users. iv only noticed robbed actually helping ppl. im sorry but we all need help and would like the full support of every1 especially moderators as arent they here because theyve been thru it

01-09-2010, 11:42 PM
Hi sharp

i think the job of the moderators is to keep the site in order
eg any spam or posts in the wrong place or people being offensive to others etc etc

im sure if they could help with some advice they would, im not sure if all the moderators on here have or suffer anxiety


01-10-2010, 04:42 AM
oh right sorry, for some reason i assumed theyd had anxiety and were working on here to answer peoples questions lol well scratch my 1st message lol

01-14-2010, 02:28 PM
also, just an FYI - many of the moderators have moved on - I've just gone ahead and fixed the forum listings to reflect those I know who've been gone for years. Also, while I still have moderator status, I have not been involved either since the time it was sold (years ago). If I feel the need I may come by and say or do something like edit a post, but otherwise I'm leaving this site totally in the hands of the new owner.