View Full Version : Need Help

01-04-2010, 03:41 PM
Ok two years I had big problems with anixety,thinking I was having a heart attack but enver actually was,this led to sickness etc but I fought it and fought I overcame it

but now I get a differant anixety,like a anxiety that am losing the head
and want to hurt myself or somebody
I aint a bad person or aggresive or anything
but i have the same syntoms only instead of my heart
it feels like my head
any advice??

01-04-2010, 03:42 PM
PS this is at its worst
after a weekend drinking with friends
so come the monday I always feel like this
but tonight it is really hard

01-05-2010, 07:01 AM
There's several levels of anxiety that one faces throughout an entire episode that may last in some cases for years or even decades.

You're certainly going through what doctors call "Depersonalization". I often had thoughts that scared the hell out of me such as hurting or killing one of my family members. It happens pretty often in patients with anxiety.