View Full Version : funny heart

01-02-2010, 06:57 AM

I have anxiety for 3 months and on diazipam 5mg. I have been getting heart flutters and it skips beats like every 30 minutes and it goes like that for the rest of the day, has anyone else had this, if so is there a way of controlling it?

01-02-2010, 11:09 AM
You say you had anxiety for three months. What caused the original anxiety? Did you have anxiety prior to this?

Your heart flutters are a very common symptoms of anxiety and / or panic. What your experiencing is heart palpitations, which are usually harmless. It could also be the medication you are on.

Along with the palpitations you could be experiencing what is called a PVC (Pre Ventricular Contraction), which means your heart literally skips a beat.
This is also normal and harmless when it is caused by anxiety.

If you are nervous about it ask your doctor. However it is usually harmless. Try not to think about it because most of the time this happens when you focus too much on your heart beating.

Check your blood pressure as well. Magnesium Citrate has been known to help heart palpitations, give that a try. Do not use too much, start low.

01-02-2010, 01:25 PM
Hi JiminyCricket,

You've put my mind at rest, i pulled a chest muscle i had my first panic attack in the middle of the night, i went to the doctor the next day and she said it was a panic attack, i have had a few more over the weeks and went back to the doctors and she said it was anxiety, i told her my fear of having a heart attack and she put me on diazipam. i do suffer from high blood pressure due to my overweight (it has been good for a month now). thanks very much for your reply and i will try Magnesium Citrate.

01-02-2010, 01:58 PM
If your anxiety just started recently and you never experienced it before, you may want to consider cognitive therapy instead of going on medication. Long term use of medication can sometimes cause unwanted side effects. If this is something you have been battling for a long time then medication may be the answer for you, however I think there are other options. If you have health related anxiety and irrational fears to your health then you should maybe try other things first before resorting to medication. I may not know the whole story either.

Also, for BP, try Beet juice and garlic, works great, but not if your on bp medication as it may reduce you bp too low. Garlic also works as a blood thinner at times.