View Full Version : anxiety causing sleep problems

12-31-2009, 08:17 AM
just wondered if anybody else suffers from or has suffered from sleep paralysis or night terrors? its were you wake up in your mind but your body is frozen, it lasts bout ten seconds and it always happens during a nightmare, like someone is in the room with you or trying to strangle you, but your frozen. its horrible, the scariest thing i have ever experienced. doctor said it can be linked to anxiety disorder, but never read it as a symptom of anxiety before. anybody suffered this?

01-02-2010, 07:39 PM
this can be related to anxiety. I have not personally suffered it either. Do you experience any anxiety out side of sleep? One way to possibly treat this is cognitive therapy, as something is triggering this while your body is sleeping. A trained counselor can sometimes identify these issues and you will eventually stop having these terrors. You may not personally think that this is the problem, but that is normal. Once you speak to someone about your life, you will slowly recover. Some of things these things your conscious mind does not think is a problem, and you may mentally think that you feel fine, although deep inside, there is something bothering you, and even you do not know what it is. This is why cognitive therapy can help individuals. You can contact your local university or college, as well as doctors, to ask if there are any discount psychologists available to talk. It is a good thing, and totally worth a try. It does not mean your crazy, it just means part of you have become sensitive to something. :)